Agoric / dapp-inter

User application for Agoric Inter Protocol—Vaults, BLD Boost, Liquidations, etc.
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Minting Fee does not shown/applied in Vault Summary #248

Closed otoole-brendan closed 3 months ago

otoole-brendan commented 4 months ago

What is the Problem Being Solved?

When a user creates a vault or adjusts a vault - a minting fee applies to the minted IST amount - which is added to the user's IST overall debt amount. This actual amount is not reflected in the 'Vault Summary' preview and so it's not clear to the user what amount that is.

The dollar amount should be included as a line item so users' can clearly see the minting fee that is being incurred and added to their overall IST debt with the mint action they are taking

Description of the Design

samsiegart commented 4 months ago

In "Adjust Vault", the new debt total already includes the minting fee (see below, minting 100 IST):

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 2 15 15 PM

Maybe it's best to have an (i) tooltip explaining it's the total of existing debt + newly minted + minting fee. Or put "minting fee" as a separate line below stability fee.

In "Create Vault", maybe we could show a line below "Minting", like "Debt After Minting Fee" or something:

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 2 18 58 PM

That would make it clearer that it's not charging you IST on the transaction, but rather it's being added to the debt.

otoole-brendan commented 3 months ago

I knew the minting fee was being reflected to the new debt amount - it's more about better communicating to users a) that is the case but more importantly b) what that amount is.

For create vault - yep I think I largely agree but call it 'Debt' or 'Your Debt Balance' and include tool tip explainer:

Depositing........................X stTIA Minting.............................1000IST Your Debt Balance............1100IST (with a tooltip that explains this is sum of minted IST + minting fee)

For Adjust vault where minting more - follow similar so 'Your Debt Balance' line item with tool tip explainer of components then also adding the Minting Fee parameter like you suggest.

Depositing.......................X stTIA Minting.............................500IST Your Debt Balance............1150 (Existing debt (1100) + minting fee (50) + accrued stability fee (X)

Min Collateralization Ratio.......X % Liquidation Ratio......................X % Stability Fee.............................X % Minting Fee..............................X %