AgriculturalModelExchangeInitiative / PyCrop2ML

CropML Python library
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Improvements for APSIM code generation #238

Open hol353 opened 5 days ago

hol353 commented 5 days ago

I have played with the APSIM code generated by Crop2ML to make it simpler for set up in APSIM.

I am wondering if model unit code could be generated like below. If so, then we don't need components or wrappers.

If this is possible then I might be able to create a PR to do this. I can see the APSIM generator code here:

using System;
using Models.Core;
namespace Models.Crop2ML.Bioma;

/// <summary>
///- Name: SurfaceTemperatureParton -Version: 001, -Time step: 1
///- Description:
///            * Title: SurfaceTemperatureParton model
///            * Authors: simone.bregaglio
///            * Reference: ('',)
///            * Institution: University Of Milan
///            * ExtendedDescription: Strategy for the calculation of soil surface temperature with Parton's method. Reference: Parton, W. J. 1984. Predicting soil temperatures in a shortgrass steppe. Soil Science 138:93-101.
///            * ShortDescription: None
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
///- inputs:
///            * name: DayLength
///                          ** description : Length of the day
///                          ** inputtype : variable
///                          ** variablecategory : exogenous
///                          ** datatype : DOUBLE
///                          ** max : 24
///                          ** min : 0
///                          ** default : 10
///                          ** unit : h
///  ...
/// </remarks>
[ValidParent(ParentType = typeof(Zone))]
public class NewSurfaceTemperatureParton : Model
    [Link] SurfaceTemperaturePartonAuxiliary a = null;
    [Link] Crop2MLExogenous ex = null;

    /// <summary>Algorithm of the SurfaceTemperatureParton component</summary>
    public void  CalculateModel()
        double DayLength = ex.DayLength;
        double AirTemperatureMaximum = ex.AirTemperatureMaximum;
        double AirTemperatureMinimum = ex.AirTemperatureMinimum;
        double AboveGroundBiomass = ex.AboveGroundBiomass;
        double GlobalSolarRadiation = ex.GlobalSolarRadiation;
        double SurfaceTemperatureMinimum;
        double SurfaceTemperatureMaximum;
        double SurfaceSoilTemperature;
        double _AGB;
        double _AirTMax;
        double _AirTmin;
        double _SolarRad;
        _AGB = AboveGroundBiomass / 10000;
        _AirTMax = AirTemperatureMaximum;
        _AirTmin = AirTemperatureMinimum;
        _SolarRad = GlobalSolarRadiation;
        if (_AGB > 0.15)
            SurfaceTemperatureMaximum = _AirTMax + ((24 * (1 - Math.Exp(-0.038 * _SolarRad)) + (0.35 * _AirTMax)) * (Math.Exp(-4.8 * _AGB) - 0.13));
            SurfaceTemperatureMinimum = _AirTmin + (6 * _AGB) - 1.82;
            SurfaceTemperatureMaximum = AirTemperatureMaximum;
            SurfaceTemperatureMinimum = AirTemperatureMinimum;
        SurfaceSoilTemperature = 0.41 * SurfaceTemperatureMaximum + (0.59 * SurfaceTemperatureMinimum);
        if (DayLength != (double)(0))
            SurfaceSoilTemperature = DayLength / 24 * _AirTMax + ((1 - (DayLength / 24)) * _AirTmin);
        a.SurfaceTemperatureMinimum= SurfaceTemperatureMinimum;
        a.SurfaceTemperatureMaximum= SurfaceTemperatureMaximum;
        a.SurfaceSoilTemperature= SurfaceSoilTemperature;
cyrillemidingoyi commented 4 days ago

Hi @hol353 Yes it is possible. You can create this PR