AgroDataCube / api-v1

AgroDataCube API service Version 1 - A newer version is in use now.
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Create a sample database (subset of the Cube) for development and testing #38

Closed robknapen closed 6 years ago

robknapen commented 6 years ago

aka Duckburg

yke commented 6 years ago

Center of Wagenignen is 51.9648787,5.6627568. Take a box 10km square around this for field selection.

create table wageningen_box_10_10 (geom geometry);
insert into wageningen_box_10_10 values (st_geomfromewkt('SRID=4326;POINT(5.6627568 51.9648787)'));
update wageningen_box_10_10 set geom = st_transform(geom,28992);
select st_extent(st_buffer(geom,5000)) from wageningen_box_10_10 ;
X 168937.636376332 178937.636376332
Y 436864.148270264 446864.148270264
zoot-inge commented 6 years ago

Sample database (aka Duckburg) is available (adctest.dmp.txt). Ask us!

Steps to use (postgres 9.4):

  1. create database adctest with encoding='UTF8';
  2. create extension postgis;
  3. create user adctest with password '****';
  4. psql --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --dbname "adctest" -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 < adctest.dmp.txt (use settings that apply to your situation)

For code see #47.

zoot-inge commented 6 years ago

database is available, verified and stept to use are documented here and in readme.