AgrosupDijon-DSI / moodle-local_ibob

Cnerta-Web Plugin iBob pour Moodle
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force_processing_task undocumented behaviour #12

Open danmarsden opened 3 months ago

danmarsden commented 3 months ago

the force_processing_task seems to perform some behaviour that is not documeted in your plugin readme or plugins db description - it looks quite strange to see another task trying to trigger all adhoc tasks and is quite non-standard.

If you think this needs to remain within the plugin I think it should probably be disabled by default and admins should enable it if they require the behaviour you have implented there - I'm also not sure why it's needed so it would be good to understand what it's there for.

(I think this is a blocker for plugins db approval.)

fredericgrebotasd commented 3 months ago

Corrected : no use for this anymore, the task is deleted now.