AguaClara / Fluoride-Auto

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Set up bench system #36

Closed cheertsang closed 6 years ago

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

Set up fluoride bench system, compare flow rate out of sed tube to gravity powered setup.

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

Determine fluoride stock Literature shows highest reported levels of fluoride in groundwater are up to 21 mg/L.

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

June 8, 2018 Started calibrating fluoride probe. Measured fluoride probe voltage with solution of 50 mL DI water, 50 mL TISAB solution, and 1 mL 1000 (?) mg/L fluoride solution. E1 = 0.06657, E2 = 0.009. Slope = -0.05757. Slope was within the range of -0.056 V, indicating probe was working correctly.

Table for calibration

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

June 12, 2018 Need to calculate pump speeds for fluoride concentrations we want through the system. Switch to yellow-blue tubing, conversion = 0.149 mL/rev.

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

June 12, 2018 Experiment setup Vary fluoride stock concentration, keep pump speed constant. Fluoride pump speed = 20 rpm Fluoride stock:

QsysCsys = QstockCstock

Repeat calculations for 3, 2, 1 mL F- solution per 1 L water

ChingPangggg commented 6 years ago

image Calibration of Fluoride pump

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

June 20, 2018

Measured actual flow rates through system. Coagulant pump: 2 mL/ 5 min 58 s = 0.005586592179 mL/s

Verified actual flow rate by using graduated cylinder and timing flow rate per volume: Ran coagulant pump manually at 6 rpm

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

June 20, 2018

Changed out 6-600 rpm pump to 1.6-100 rpm pump for coagulant for better accuracy at low flow rates.

Verified water pump speed.

Changed water pump speed set point: 0.6601 mL/s

Changed water pump speed set point: 0.7001 mL/s

Changed water pump speed set point: 0.6801 mL/s

cheertsang commented 6 years ago

Verified flow rates through water pump, fluoride pump, and coagulant pump. Adjusted flow through water pump as necessary to obtain upflow velocity of 1.5 mm/s.