AguaClara / StaRSFine-DEPRECATED

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Report 2 RA Feedback #6

Closed tm545 closed 5 years ago

tm545 commented 5 years ago

Hey guys good job again with your report. Your abstract and introduction are both good in presenting your subteam and its importance within aguaclara plants.

I'm a big fan of your OnShape work Sam, it looks great and is nice for people to either recreate or understand your apparatus.

In describing your trials I think trial 2 could be rethought. This is what I think your apparatus is modelling within a filter:


Your Q for each layer was given by Lily's python code. I'd also include more discussion on how these numbers were derived to back up your flow rates past the python code. The python code shows your math however you skip past the physical explanation of what your numbers represent. This is done again with your minimum tube diameter where I understand your derivation because I was in the meeting however for the people that were not it's tough to understand your thought process.

You summarize your trials well and discuss well where your subteam will be going in the future.

You may think about listing your set points and variables within ProCoDA, mostly for future subteams to be able to redo experiments in the future. Overall your report is good and you guys have been doing, keep it up.

tm545 commented 5 years ago

Also hold the comments from graders in your report so graders can see your progress from past reports.