AguaClara / StaRSFine-DEPRECATED

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RA report 3 feedback #7

Open tm545 opened 5 years ago

tm545 commented 5 years ago

Hi again friends. . From the comments from Felix and how most people don't know about filtration, maybe including a description of a filter in a real plant and what portion your apparatus is modelling would be helpful for future teams and other people I would guess.

I don't think the Injection flow rates for trials 2 and 3 are correct since running the pump at max is able to get up to 37 mL/s. Possibly going through your thought process for the calculation of these flow rates were calculated would help me to understand where they came from, I'm just a bit lost.

I also forgot to meet with you guys to go over procoda and I'm sorry about that but the idea is to be able to recreate an experiment without having been on the team. While you don't use ProCoDa too much so its probably not a big deal, I'll show you a report with a more in depth ProCoDa manual in case I'm trash again and forget to meet with you guys before the last report.



Good report again, always fun to read a real page turner.