AguaClara / String-Digester

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Notes from meetings #21

Closed rosiekrasnoff closed 5 years ago

rosiekrasnoff commented 6 years ago

Brainstorm 9/12

MATERIALS metal wire —>rusting? -will stainless steel not rust? We’re not sure, but think it would, has it been used in the past in wastewater systems or supported biofilm growth?

-thin vs thick plastic --type of plastic? polyethylene may be cheapest/easiest -rubber -silicone? —> may resist biofilm growth -fiberglass

Ideas about our initial test: we will want to test how much volume of water is on the string at a given moment volume=flow rate*(time water droplet spends on string) just use pump to get water flowing down a single string, think about volume as a place to start. Eventually, we will want to test how close the system could be to a PFR (plug flow reactor) so that each string is an equally valid path and we avoid preferential flow.