AguaClara / UASB

AguaClara's wastewater team devoted to creating sustainable wastewater treatment in under-served communities
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UASB Design Task Map Spring 2019 #115

Open ninablahut opened 5 years ago

ninablahut commented 5 years ago

January -Read up on Fall 2019/UASB literature

February -Read up -Complete tutorials -Work on updating/completing old CAD model -Meet with UASB research team to discuss which parameters of UASB need additional research to finalize -Work on finalizing the dimensions of pilot UASB for testing at IWWTP -Get in touch with IWWTP to figure out the specifics of the space (size, temperature) and how wastewater will enter the UASB reactor/characteristics of wastewater

March -Finalize UASB design -Determine the best way to start a sludge blanket--get sludge granules from brewery in Syracuse? //collaborate with UASB research on this

April -Research which materials should be used (focus on low-cost and availability in Honduras) -Purchase materials -Begin fabrication of UASB pilot reactor

May -Complete fabrication -Testing?