AguaClara / UASB

AguaClara's wastewater team devoted to creating sustainable wastewater treatment in under-served communities
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Updated Task Map for UASB Design #117

Open ninablahut opened 5 years ago

ninablahut commented 5 years ago

Feb 9: Design Meeting -decide on basis for design--what parameter do we want base the rest of the design on: influent rate? size of reactor? upflow velocity? -settle on specific numbers to be used in design such as goals for HRT, upflow velocity, size of reactor, heigh of sludge blanket -consider how/if we should make a design that would be flexible to meet different requirement of different waste water -generate questions for meeting with Professor Richardson on 2/11 Feb 16: Finish Onshape Model of UASB -make new CAD model because previous design from fusion is a bit disorganized/measurements don't transfer over -if possible, try to make design so that tipping bucked could be removed if necessary -also make design so that it wouldn't be terribly difficult to alter # of influent pipes March 15: Build Influent System -incorporate research from research team to decide how many influent pipes to use -test influent system to see that necessary up flow velocity will be met April 15: Build Effluent System -focus on preventing loss of sludge and making it so that there is nearly continuous flow out of effluent line -test effluent system April 30: Order remaining parts -find parts that are available in Honduras