AguaClara / UASB

AguaClara's wastewater team devoted to creating sustainable wastewater treatment in under-served communities
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UASB-Design Final Report Comments (FOR GRADERS ONLY) #139

Open ananya-gangadhar opened 5 years ago

ananya-gangadhar commented 5 years ago

Hello team! Great work on your final report! The following are the comments I have that are part of the grading, not for you to fix. Have a lovely summer! Not sure why there are still comments left on your final report since this is essentially your documentation for the whole semester’s work that will be saved for future members to refer to, but all in all a wonderful report! You’ve done so much hard work this semester and I’m so proud of everything you’ve done with my former sub team! I do like the addition of all the hand drawn sketches and all the lovely CAD models we have now. Would it be possible for you to make an index or table of contents (like we made in the summer 2018 report) to organize things better? It would really help guide the flow of your report which is full of an assortment of information. Also, the addition of images of the spaces in IAWWTF will help the viewer visualize the operating space better. For the new FOG system, what do you plan to do with all the FOG that collects outside the funnel?