AguaClara / ram_pump

Optimizing the hydraulic ram pump for more efficient use in providing plant plumbing.
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EPA Report Guidelines #101

Open AlyciaStorch opened 4 years ago

AlyciaStorch commented 4 years ago

Final Report: The recipient agrees to submit a final report to the EPA Project Officer (PO) within 90 calendar days after the expiration of the project period. If the recipient receives a no-cost time extension beyond the project period, a Final Report will be required within 90 days after the end of the extended project period. The Project Officer may require clarifications of the final report before the report is considered acceptable. Although there are no page restrictions on the final report (other than on the executive summary below), EPA does not expect a final report of great length. However, this document shall include a discussion of:

(1) Project activities over the entire period of funding, describing the recipient's achievements with respect to the stated project goals and objectives (outputs/outcomes).

(2) Complete details of all technical aspects of the project--both negative and positive--the recipient's findings, conclusions, and results, including the associated quality assurance results.

(3) An evaluation of (a) the technical effectiveness and economic feasibility of the methods or techniques investigated or demonstrated, if applicable and (b) an explanation of how the research adds to the understanding of or solutions for environmental problems or is otherwise of benefit to the environment and human health. This discussion should be a minimum of one paragraph long and written in terms understandable by the educated layman.

(4) A discussion of subaward monitoring activities under 2 CFR 200.331(d). Examples of items that must be reported if the information is available are: 1. Summaries of results of reviews of financial and programmatic reports. 2. Summaries of findings from site visits and/or desk reviews to ensure effective subrecipient performance. 3. Environmental results the subrecipient achieved. 4. Summaries of audit findings and related pass-through entity management decisions. 5. Actions the pass-through entity has taken to correct deficiencies such as those specified at 2 CFR 200.331(e), 2 CFR 200.207 and the 2 CFR Part 200.338 Remedies for Noncompliance.

(5) Publications arising from this project. Copies of publications and reprints which have not previously been submitted to the Agency should be enclosed with the report. The publication list should be cumulative of previous Annual Reports.

(6) For projects involving computer modeling, if requested by the PO, the recipient agrees to provide the following information with the final report:

a. Model description, key assumptions, version, source and intended use;

b. Performance criteria for the model related to the intended use;

c. Test results to demonstrate the model performance criteria were met (e.g., code verification, sensitivity analyses, history matching with lab or field data, as appropriate);

d. Theory behind the model, expressed in non-mathematical terms;

e. Mathematics to be used, including formulas and calculation methods;

f. Whether or not the theory and mathematical algorithms were peer reviewed, and, if so, include a summary of theoretical strengths and weaknesses

g. Number and uncertainty associated with parameters (how data was selected/obtained and assessed to assure it met requirements, or, documentation of the weakness due to known uncertainty and variability);

h. Input data requirements and how data will be selected/obtained and later assessed to assure it met requirements, or, documentation of the weakness due to known uncertainty and variability;

i. Hardware requirements; and

j. Documentation (e.g., users’ guide, journal publications, model code).

Final Report format:

The final report will be placed on the EPA’s P3 Program web page along with a list of publications, if any, that result from the P3 project. The report should be submitted in the following format (3-5 PAGES):

EPA People, Prosperity & the Planet Grant Final Report

Date of Final Report:

EPA Agreement Number: SU83####

Project Title:

Project Period:

Faculty Advisor(s), Departments, and Institutions:

Student Team Members, Departments, and Institutions:

Objective of Research:

Progress Summary/Accomplishments (Outputs/Outcomes):

Publications/Presentations: Future Activities: Supplemental Keywords:

Relevant Websites: