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Organizing AWWA and NYWEA Conferences and Exhibitions #3

Open sidneylok opened 6 years ago

sidneylok commented 6 years ago

Monroe has submitted abstracts to AWWA (will be held Toronto in November) and NYWEA (will be held near Lake George on June 10-13). We will use this space to discuss and organize for the conferences.

monroews commented 6 years ago

Here is another conference opportunity. Dear Monroe Weber-Shirk, As a past participant of the EPA P3 competition, I’d like to invite you and your P3 team, or their classmates who’ve joined the project, to present their work at the AIChE Institute for Sustainability’s premier event, the 7th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE ’18). All participants of past projects submitting an abstract will have the opportunity to present a poster and participate in the Extended Rapid Fire Oral session at the Congress. ICOSSE ’18 will be held at the Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center in Cincinnati, OH on August 12-15, 2018 and will focus on the theme of Industry, Innovation and Sustainability. Learn more about ICOSSE ’18 here. The AIChE Institute for Sustainability (IfS) has been a long-time supporter of the EPA P3 competition, having presented our own annual award to the teams whose project best employs sustainable practices, interdisciplinary collaborations, and engineering principles. Every year at the P3 event, our judges are moved by the extent to which sustainability and P3 values are integrated in the universities and colleges whose projects are represented, and by the magnitude of possibilities the student teams present for a better future. The IfS is dedicated to the professional development of bright young minds, and we hope that by providing a venue for students to present their projects and closely network with established experts in the field, they will gain valuable skills, experience, and tools they need to further their achievements in the field of sustainability. P3 project members submitting an abstract should send me an email indicating they are past participants or members of the research team that has competed. I look forward to seeing you there! Lucy Lyudmila Alexander

B.S. Chemical Engineering Engineering Specialist: International Programs AIChE Institute for Sustainability 140 Robinson Road #04-01 Singapore 068907 +65 6631 8386 Email:

auggielongo commented 6 years ago

What exactly do we have to plan/wait for for these tow conferences?