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Encouraging paired coding #4

Open monroews opened 6 years ago

monroews commented 6 years ago

@ethan92429 sent this message and I think it should be shared with team leaders. Shared coding would be helpful for research teams as well as they are coding/analyzing/writing etc. "I was just reflecting on how useful paired programming is. In the past two weeks, by insisting on working on the code directly with the students, rather than just speaking in abstract about the goals, we've leaped over many hurdles I hadn't even realized had been weighing the teams down. Often the solutions are already in the head of some other teammate! The key is to have 2-3 people work on one computer. It's amazing to see how much more focused and productive everyone becomes - and so much more learning takes place. I just wanted to share my love of paired programming - many studies have found that it's more productive to have two people work at one computer than those two people working on two separate machines. For some reason, I've always been met with resistance when suggesting this idea to the CS teams. I don't understand why. Just wanted to share that CS-education insight." Ethan