AhMyth / AhMyth-Android-RAT

Android Remote Administration Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.3k stars 1.67k forks source link

Ahmyth working #249

Open w1l5t3r opened 3 years ago

w1l5t3r commented 3 years ago

Ahmyth wouldn't work and kept saying decompiling failed then building failed. Solved by uninstalling current java and installing version jre 1.80_181. This allows it to bind with an apk file and make sure the apk is under 3mb in size.

link to apps that bind with ahmyth.


look at the app list and google search app names and download.

ahmyth does work!! DO NOT UPDATE JAVA AFTER INSTALLING jre 1.80_181 or it will not work again!

Link to screenshot of binding app


Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

yeah i have done this and i still get problems when binding with an apk, it does do anything upon selecting the original apk file to bind with, the black terminal on the bottom of the AhMyth GUI stays blank when it shouldnt