AhaDNS / Aha.Dns.Domains

Official white- and black-lists used by AhaDNS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Blacklist 24 domains #6

Closed iGlitch closed 3 years ago

iGlitch commented 3 years ago

remove 1 duplicate which now exists in oisd. this will give us 100% on the adblock test page. TG Req

NoExitTV commented 3 years ago

Hey Fredrik, Please add these domains to the servers we can add the microsoft ones later after some more testing. Most of these are telemetry and ad domains. I got these domains from https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/src/adblock.html in which aha scores 89% Lets make it 100% !!!

analytics.twitter.com c.amazon-adsystem.com mads.amazon-adsystem.com doubleclick.net omes-sec.heytapmobile.com tagging5-noneu.truecaller.com batchlogging4-noneu.truecaller.com settings.crashlytics.com ads-router-noneu.truecaller.com stat-in.dc.oppomobile.com p3a.brave.com mads.amazon-adsystem.com accounts-analyticsapp.paytm.com conf-in.dc.heytapmobi.com www.googleadservices.com telemetry.nvidia.com telemetry-dce.gfe.nvidia.com google-analytics.com events-dc1.gfe.nvidia.com

The goal for AhaDNS is not to reach 100% blockage in some online test. Most likely, this will break functionality of some popular sites. We should be VERY careful adding domains to our block-list. There's a lot of non-technical people using our DNS service as well and if major sites and apps stops working, that will cause a bad reputation for AhaDNS and ultimately people will stop using AhaDNS.

Our goal is to provide as good protection as possible while still allow the majority of websites and apps to function. To target a wide audience that is. If you're after maximum protection, you're better of setting up a local pi-hole.

Please note that I'm currently working on a solution that will allow for everyone to create their custom config. Then users can configure what blocklists to use themselves, and will thus not sacrifice the functionality for other users.