Aharoni-Lab / Miniscope-DAQ-Cypress-firmware

DAQ firmware for V3 and V4 Miniscope platforms
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Firmware Issue connecting to V3 Miniscope #15

Open spencerbyers15 opened 11 months ago

spencerbyers15 commented 11 months ago


Are the old versions of the DAQ firmware archived and available for download somewhere? I'm having issues recording from UCLA V3 sensors after flashing some new V3.2 DAQs with the newest firmware.

Some background on our problem-

My lab has a couple of V3.2 DAQs that were flashed with old firmware long ago, that work well with out UCLA V3 sensors. We've been using either Bonsai (with UCLAV3 nodes) or the old UCLA V3 software to record data from our miniscopes with no problem. Recently, we ordered a couple of extra DAQs to build new recording rigs. After flashing these new V3.2 DAQs with the latest firmware update (128K_EEPROM.img pre-built file, located here- https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-DAQ-Cypress-firmware/tree/master/Built_Firmware) I am running into these issues recording from our V3 sensors.

  1. I can connect to the miniscope with the old miniscope V3 software (3 LED lights come on the DAQ, no flickering, red light on the miniscope CMOS, establish connection in the software and get an image), but I'm unable to set the FrameRate or Gain settings. This same pattern holds in Bonsai.
  2. This makes sense though, it says on the firmware update page- "This firmware will only work with the newest Miniscope Software so make sure to use the latest software release.". So I downloaded the latest miniscope software and tried to connect to our V3 sensors using that.
  3. Using the new software, I get some weird behavior. After running the correct config json file that is looking for a V3 sensor, it shows first that it connects to the miniscope, but then that there are frame retrieve errors and it keeps connecting and disconnecting. Along with this, the 3rd LED on the DAQ begins to flicker probably due to the unstable connection between the scope and the DAQ. I am, however, able to set the FrameRate and Gain using the new software. miniscope_connection_issue

Things I've tried to solve this issue-

  1. I am using a working CoAx cables that work with our DAQs flashed with old firmware.
  2. I am using a working V3 CMOS that works with our DAQs flashed with old firmware.
  3. Checked the L13 inductor on the new DAQ to see if it's burnt out. It wasn't burnt out, reads a 1.4 Ohm resistance across it like it does on a working DAQ
  4. Visual inspection of the DAQ, it looks brand new with no clear issues.

Are there any solutions to our issues other than just finding the old firmware version that works with the V3 software only? I've looked through the google groups discussion board but haven't come across this issue.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! Spencer Byers

ximion commented 11 months ago

After flashing these new V3.2 DAQs with the latest firmware update (128K_EEPROM.img pre-built file, located here- https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-DAQ-Cypress-firmware/tree/master/Built_Firmware)

Please use the Miniscope_DAQ_256K_EEPROM.img firmware - if it's not an incredibly old board, you will need that and that may also be the source of your issue (check if there is an EEPROM mounted into the 4x2 socket on the PCB, if yes, then you need the older file but I am pretty sure it's not and you have a modernized version).

I would try that first.

Your issues are pretty odd though, it would surprise me if they were firmware-related - if you want to rule that out though, you can jump back to any older firmware version you like, it's Git after all. They haven't been updated much though, last in early summer this year. Here's the version from 3 years ago: https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-DAQ-Cypress-firmware/tree/bb1bb6372f12d8cbce8bbcfc77d6b098e8956d18/Built_Firmware

TBH, your issues are beyond odd - from the issues you describe I would expect a burnt inductor, a broken coax cable or a flaky USB connection, possibly on a controller which is already too busy with other stuff.

I am surprised the old software still works! Good call trying the new one... Which operating system are you on? From the screenshot's font rendering I assume Windows. You may also try PoMiDAQ as another software for miniscope control (disclaimer: I wrote that one) - I do not expect it to work if the original software fails, but if it does work, then that's another hint.

Lots of stuff to try out ;-) Happy debugging!

spencerbyers15 commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

My DAQ that I'm flashing is a V3.2 DAQ that has the EEPROM mounted into the 4x2 socket on the PCB, that's why I opted for the 128K_EEPROM.img file.

The same USB connection, Coax cable, and miniscope work just fine with our other DAQs that were flashed with the V3 firmware long ago, so these parts are not the issue.

I am running Windows, sorry for not mentioning that originally. I am mainly using Bonsai as software for miniscope control and recording- https://github.com/open-ephys/Bonsai.Miniscope because we need to capture multiple behavioral camera streams with high framerate and resolution machine vision basler cameras along with our neural data.

Thanks for your help, I'll try to load that old firmware onto my DAQs and see how that performs.

ximion commented 11 months ago

My DAQ that I'm flashing is a V3.2 DAQ that has the EEPROM mounted into the 4x2 socket on the PCB, that's why I opted for the 128K_EEPROM.img file.

Interesting! My DAQ boxes are reeeealy old, and the 256k variant was always the one to go with. You shouldn't be able to break anything (at least not permanently until re-flashing) by testing the 256k version, would be interesting to know if that one works!

Maybe when I built the 128k firmware, it wasn't quite the exact same settings as before... (But then I expect it to not work at all, I wouldn't expect it to partially work)

Good to know Basler cameras are in use for this :-)