Aharoni-Lab / miniscope-io

Data formatting, reading, and writing from miniscopes
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ABCs for Cameras & Pipelines #51

Closed sneakers-the-rat closed 2 weeks ago

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 weeks ago

(Opening as a draft to take notes as I work, will mark not draft when it's ready for review)

At long last, we need to define some abc to deliver on the promise of "uniform interface for all miniscopes." To get there we need to do a bit of tidying in the rest of the package.

This PR just creates the abstract classes that will serve as the public API of miniscope IO camera classes, and does not handle converting the rest of the library to use them. Those we'll handle in future PRs.


We already have ...


So to make that formal and unify things a bit, we can think of a generic set of PipelineModels like this:

So that would make a rough class diagram like this (where arrows indicate inheritance like child --> parent and diamonds indicate composition like contained --* container) - s.t. a Pipeline class is the orchestrator that contains a set of nodes, and the nodes don't directly call each other, but have an isolated process method that yields, consumes, or transforms some data (depending on node type) and the Pipeline class is responsible for orchestrating the nodes. This arrangement allows us to treat all the nodes as independent, run them in separate threads/processes/etc.


    class PipelineModel
    class Node
    class Source{
        +type[U] output_type
        +process() U

    class Sink{
        +type[T] input_type

    class ProcessingNode {
        +type[T] input_type
        +type[U] output_type
        +process(T) U

    class Pipeline {
        +Source: sources
        +Sink: sinks
        +ProcessingNode: nodes


    Node --|> PipelineModel
    Pipeline --|> PipelineModel
    Source --|> Node
    Sink --|> Node
    ProcessingNode --|> Node
    Source "1..*" --* "1" Pipeline
    Sink "1..*" --* "1" Pipeline
    ProcessingNode "0..*" --* "1" Pipeline


This design for a pipeline maps onto the existing classes s.t.

edit: Actually, rather than inheriting from Pipeline, it might be better for maintainability and expansion if we make Device be a separate class tree that uses a pipeline via composition - i can see it being a big pain in the ass, it's not all that obvious semantically, and it's less flexible as far as the design of individual Device objects.

So then we might have a class hierarchy like this, where we change the meaning of "Device" from being a reference to one of the data sources to being a full pipeline class like a Camera and its children. This lets us have separable/composable behavior like e.g. having an independent EphysDevice that just has an EphysDaq as its source, but then also have a WirelessEphysMiniscope that has the EphysDaq and StreamDaq/OkDev for combined ephys and microscope recordings.

The Control class (for setting capture parameters on e.g. the wireless miniscope) could be a Sink that is not hooked up to the rest of the capture graph, so it just receives the input of some set_*() method rather than receiving the input stream (which wouldn't make sense). This implies the existence of something we might call an Interface class (open to different name) that has both a Source and Sink node - aka it can read and write data to the same location, but the read/write operations are independent. E.g. it wouldn't make much sense to need two different objects to read and write to an SDCard, and even if they are separate modalities (via the FPGA vs. transmitting over IR) the ability to read from and control a streaming device are interdependent.

(Not annotating composition relationships here because it makes the graph super messy, but hopefully it's obvious that the WirelessMiniscope would use an OkDev, the SDCardMiniscope would use the SDCard, the BehaviorCam could use either the USBWebCam source or a GStreamer input, and so on.

    class Source
    class OkDev
    class SDCard
    class EphysDAQ
    class USBWebCam
    class GStreamer

    class Camera
    class Miniscope
    class WirelessMiniscope
    class SDCardMiniscope
    class EphysDevice
    class Pipeline
    class Device
    class BehaviorCam

    OkDev --|> Source
    SDCard --|> Source
    EphysDAQ --|> Source
    USBWebCam --|> Source
    GStreamer --|> Source

    Camera --|> Device
    Device --|> Pipeline
    Miniscope --|> Camera
    WirelessMiniscope --|> Miniscope
    SDCardMiniscope --|> Miniscope
    EphysDevice --|> Device
    WirelessEphysDevice --|> WirelessMiniscope
    WirelessEphysDevice --|> EphysDevice
    BehaviorCam --|> Camera

Implementation Details

Generic Types

It is formally not allowed to use TypeVars in ClassVars: https://peps.python.org/pep-0526/#class-and-instance-variable-annotations

This is seen as a sort of pointless restriction, as it makes perfect sense from a type modeling POV to specify that an abstract class has some generic classvar type that is then made concrete by the concrete child classes. There is rough agreement in this mypy issue that this needs to be changed, but we are currently waiting on someone to push that through. Pydantic handles them fine, so we will be using them even if it might make type checkers complain: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5144

coveralls commented 2 weeks ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 67.651% (-7.0%) from 74.603% when pulling 4a3abff68f66fcaf8afac58b1d9f943ca76892b3 on abc-camera into 56b32b7345698c004c1170aac664276ff7836de7 on main.

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 weeks ago

OK does where i'm going with this make sense @t-sasatani @MarcelMB @phildong ?

Described it a bit in the slack, but for the sake of recordkeeping:

Here's a draft a structure for miniscope-io i think that once implemented should get us to v1. after we merge this i'll split out issues to that effect and make a project board.


The current structure is mostly ad-hoc, with the intention of doing a switch-up like this once we saw what we need. There are a few things that are undesirable about it:

This PR

I'm just setting the models in place and trying not to touch anything else, so that I can start transitioning first the SDCard IO stuff and then the streamdaq stuff to it. Sorry for the bigass PR, but it's mostly boilerplate and the important part is the structure of it.

This is a combination of a few ideas, specifically here: https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/miniscope-io/issues/39 re pipelining and reworking the config here: https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/miniscope-io/issues/52

We can refactor all our current processing code as processing graphs with a Source, some ProcessingNodes, and a Sink. For example, for the StreamDaq, we have an implicit processing pipeline like this:

flowchart TB
    classDef Source fill:aliceblue;
    classDef Sink fill:orange;

    SerialSource@{shape: tri} --> uart_recv
    OpalKellySource@{shape: tri} --> fpga_recv
    uart_recv --> buffer_to_frame
    fpga_recv --> buffer_to_frame
    buffer_to_frame --> format_frame
    format_frame --> StreamPlotter((StreamPlotter))
    format_frame --> BufferedCSVWriter((BufferedCSVWriter))
    format_frame --> OpenCVDisplay((OpenCVDisplay))
    format_frame --> VideoWriter((VideoWriter))

    fpga_recv --> BinarySink((BinarySink))

    class SerialSource,OpalKellySource Source;
    class BinarySink,StreamPlotter,BufferedCSVWriter,OpenCVDisplay,VideoWriter Sink;

What are devices but wrappers around processing graphs anyway?

So that's what i'm proposing here.

Software-edge contact with hardware devices should be Sources and Sinks that are generic across modes of communication - eg. we should have a UARTSource and UARTSink rather than a GRINiscopeSource and a WireFreeSource and so on. There is probably some conceptual smoothing to be had by making composite Source/Sink nodes, e.g. bidirectional things like UART and Serial are good examples, but let's handle that once we start implementing them.

Each node should implement a process method that behaves like a pure function - it can use state from the instance attributes, but it knows nothing about the sources and sinks that are connected to it except their names and their parameterization. All the orchestration of starting/stopping them, passing input and output between the nodes is the responsibility of the Pipeline container. This allows us to make super clean, reusable processing methods, but also will allow us to progressively rewrite them as C and Rust extension modules.

Each device has a pipeline that handles most of its heavy lifting. What defines a device is the template/config model that parameterizes a default pipeline, but we'll get to configuration in a sec. The Device class is mostly for providing a clear handle for end-users of the SDK, it provides a conceptual hierarchy (e.g. Miniscopes are a type of Camera) to make all the parameterization a bit easier to manage, convenience methods that are specific to that type of device (we don't want to be fishing around in deeply nested config models to tell what the fps is, we should be able to go camera.fps), and otherwise any device-specific functionality that doesn't fit well into a source/sink/transform node like error handling, initialization/deinit, value/type checking, etc.

Each device and node has a companion configuration object, a pattern that is increasingly familiar in the streamdaq module. We will replace the awkward "Format/Model" system with one where we use yaml configs for all static configuration and models as serializers/deserializers and containers. This allows us to be super general with how devices work while also making them not devolve into soup:

For example, see the current structure of the streamdaq config: https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/miniscope-io/blob/0455e57ca81d7bba67a2ea921a50ce860cac232f/miniscope_io/data/config/WLMS_v02_200px.yml

That would get written as something like this, with annotations within:

# Identifying information, all configs should have these
device: "OK"
id: "some-unique-identifier"
version: "0.0.1"
created_at: 1900-01-01
updated_at: 1901-01-01

# Some convenience parameters for the device can be defined at the root
# The Device class handles feeding them into the pipeline configuration
# e.g. if multiple nodes should receive the same value.

# bitstream file to upload to Opal Kelly board
bitstream: "USBInterface-8mhz-3v3-INVERSE.bit"

# Preamble for each data buffer.
preamble: 0x12345678

# Image format. StreamDaq will calculate buffer size, etc. based on these parameters
frame_width: 200
frame_height: 200
pix_depth: 8

# ------------------
# Most of the configuration is the configuration of a pipeline:

    # All nodes have a type and can declare their inputs and outputs
    type: okDev
      # each input/output matches to a key in the `nodes` mapping
      - fpga_recv
    # And then also accept parameters that define their operation
    # e.g. we could also define bitstream here:
    # bitstream: "USBInterface-8mhz-3v3-INVERSE.bit"
    # a node can be named exactly what the type is named, and omit the type
    # type: fpga_recv
      # explicitly specify an expected input rather than inferring
      # to keep input/output implementation independent
      - opalkelly
      - buffer_to_frame
      # we can attach any sinks whose `input_type` matches our `output_type
      - binary_sink
    # A node can request parameters from its input classes,
    # So e.g. if the okDev source was able to provide these
    # directly from the bitfile or by querying the FPGA, 
    # then we wouldn't need to specify them here
    # ---
    # header_len: 384 # 12 * 32 (in bits)
    # buffer_block_length: 10
    # block_size: 512
    # num_buffers: 32
    # dummy_words: 10
      - fpga_recv
    # we should use jinja templates to be able to fill in values
    # from the template and some handle consts like datetimes
    filename: "{{ experiment_name }}/recording_{{ now.isoformat() }}.bin"
      - fpga_recv
      - format_frame
      # we can write the metadata out from here rather than passing it through
      # this will need an additional forking/merging system to declare
      # multiple types of output/input slots, but we'll get there.
      - csv_sink
    reverse_header_bits: True
    reverse_header_bytes: True
    reverse_payload_bits: True
    reverse_payload_bytes: True
      ref_voltage: 1.1
      bitdepth: 8
      battery_div_factor: 5
      vin_div_factor: 11.3

        - buffer_to_frame
        - plot_sink
        - video_sink
        - ...

# ... etc you get the point

So the Device can set a default skeleton, we can then take that skeleton with a cli command like cli generate config wireless_miniscope ./my_config.yaml and then customize. We can stick any sort of sinks we want in there, and if we want to hey we can customize the whole pipeline too until it's not recognizable as the device if we want to - the device wrappers are mostly there for convenience, and we could just rip and run with the node classes themselves if we wanted to. That means that we we develop different types of sources and sinks, it would take exactly zero code to be able to use them anywhere (in an ideal case, with a few rounds of finessing the pipelining system, famous last words.)

So you've seen the from_config methods elsewhere already, the pipelines, nodes, and devices behave similarly, so those coupled config models let has a uniform system of parameters including defaults, full customization as people want it, through to accepting parameters as args at runtime. By giving into the coupled class/config model pattern, we can stop keeping all the relevant models scattered around everywhere and just put them in the same place as they're used.

Finally, this also sets us up nicely for a plugin system, but let's hold off on that for the future :)

Reviewer notes:

To make review easier, here's a lil summary/walkthrough

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 weeks ago

actually here what i'm gonna do is pull this into a pipeline branch and then do all the conversion stuff on there, and then we can release that all at once instead of having a bunch of incomplete stuff hanging out in released code.

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 weeks ago

one more thing on this one before i merge it (to the pipeline branch, not to main) - i moved the bitfiles into miniscope_io/data/bitfiles. I was going back and forth for awhile on whether we want to keep them with the opalkelly source class and having a specific directory for bitfiles, and here's how my thought process shook out

Reasons to keep accessory data files with the classes that use them:

Reasons to make a specific data subdirectory for types of accessory files:

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 weeks ago

merging this since it's a partial change to the pipeline branch, not to main, and is just a first draft of the models that will evolve during the transformation. going to get started on that now.