Ahmed-Ali / JSONExport

JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
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decoder error #113

Open a5978445 opened 6 years ago

a5978445 commented 6 years ago

source son file:

    "status": "0",
    "msg": "ok",
    "result": {
        "city": "北京",
        "cityid": "1",
        "citycode": "101010100",
        "date": "2018-06-13",
        "week": "星期三",
        "weather": "雨",
        "temp": "17",
        "temphigh": "28",
        "templow": "18",
        "img": "301",
        "humidity": "84",
        "pressure": "1000",
        "windspeed": "10.4",
        "winddirect": "东风",
        "windpower": "2级",
        "updatetime": "2018-06-13 13:40:00",
        "index": [{
            "iname": "空调指数",
            "ivalue": "较少开启",
            "detail": "您将感到很舒适,一般不需要开启空调。"
        }, {
            "iname": "运动指数",
            "ivalue": "较不宜",
            "detail": "有降水,推荐您在室内进行健身休闲运动;若坚持户外运动,须注意保暖并携带雨具。"
        }, {
            "iname": "紫外线指数",
            "ivalue": "弱",
            "detail": "紫外线强度较弱,建议出门前涂擦SPF在12-15之间、PA+的防晒护肤品。"
        }, {
            "iname": "感冒指数",
            "ivalue": "少发",
            "detail": "各项气象条件适宜,无明显降温过程,发生感冒机率较低。"
        }, {
            "iname": "洗车指数",
            "ivalue": "不宜",
            "detail": "不宜洗车,未来24小时内有雨,如果在此期间洗车,雨水和路上的泥水可能会再次弄脏您的爱车。"
        }, {
            "iname": "空气污染扩散指数",
            "ivalue": "良",
            "detail": "气象条件有利于空气污染物稀释、扩散和清除,可在室外正常活动。"
        }, {
            "iname": "穿衣指数",
            "ivalue": "热",
            "detail": "天气热,建议着短裙、短裤、短薄外套、T恤等夏季服装。"
        "aqi": {
            "so2": "3",
            "so224": "4",
            "no2": "14",
            "no224": "35",
            "co": "0.430",
            "co24": "1.030",
            "o3": "105",
            "o38": "88",
            "o324": "100",
            "pm10": "18",
            "pm1024": "71",
            "pm2_5": "10",
            "pm2_524": "70",
            "iso2": "2",
            "ino2": "7",
            "ico": "5",
            "io3": "34",
            "io38": "44",
            "ipm10": "21",
            "ipm2_5": "14",
            "aqi": "44",
            "primarypollutant": "O3",
            "quality": "优",
            "timepoint": "2018-06-13 13:00:00",
            "aqiinfo": {
                "level": "一级",
                "color": "#00e400",
                "affect": "空气质量令人满意,基本无空气污染",
                "measure": "各类人群可正常活动"
        "daily": [{
            "date": "2018-06-13",
            "week": "星期三",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:43",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "18",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "西北风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "雷阵雨",
                "temphigh": "28",
                "img": "4",
                "winddirect": "东北风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-14",
            "week": "星期四",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:44",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "20",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "temphigh": "31",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-15",
            "week": "星期五",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:44",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "22",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "temphigh": "33",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-16",
            "week": "星期六",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:44",
            "night": {
                "weather": "雷阵雨",
                "templow": "21",
                "img": "4",
                "winddirect": "西南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "temphigh": "34",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-17",
            "week": "星期日",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:45",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "20",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "东南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "雷阵雨",
                "temphigh": "30",
                "img": "4",
                "winddirect": "东北风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-18",
            "week": "星期一",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:45",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "20",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "晴",
                "temphigh": "31",
                "img": "0",
                "winddirect": "东南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        }, {
            "date": "2018-06-19",
            "week": "星期二",
            "sunrise": "04:45",
            "sunset": "19:45",
            "night": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "templow": "21",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "东南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
            "day": {
                "weather": "多云",
                "temphigh": "30",
                "img": "1",
                "winddirect": "东南风",
                "windpower": "微风"
        "hourly": [{
            "time": "13:00",
            "weather": "多云",
            "temp": "26",
            "img": "1"
        }, {
            "time": "14:00",
            "weather": "多云",
            "temp": "27",
            "img": "1"
        }, {
            "time": "15:00",
            "weather": "多云",
            "temp": "28",
            "img": "1"
        }, {
            "time": "16:00",
            "weather": "多云",
            "temp": "27",
            "img": "1"
        }, {
            "time": "17:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "27",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "18:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "26",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "19:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "25",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "20:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "24",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "21:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "22",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "22:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "22",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "23:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "22",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "0:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "21",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "1:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "21",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "2:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "20",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "3:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "20",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "4:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "18",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "5:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "19",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "6:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "20",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "7:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "22",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "8:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "23",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "9:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "25",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "10:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "27",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "11:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "28",
            "img": "0"
        }, {
            "time": "12:00",
            "weather": "晴",
            "temp": "29",
            "img": "0"

when i use jsonExport export swift-codable file. it will generate the code

//  RootClass.swift
//  Create by 腾芳 李 on 13/6/2018
//  Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.
//  Model file generated using JSONExport: https://github.com/Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport

import Foundation

struct RootClass : Codable {

    let msg : String?
    let result : Result?
    let status : String?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case msg = "msg"
        case result
        case status = "status"
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        msg = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .msg)
        result = try Result(from: decoder)
        status = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .status)


above the code result = try Result(from: decoder) has logic error, should be modify result = try values.decodeIfPresent(Result.self, forKey: .result)