AhmedImtiazPrio / splinecam

Exact method for visualizing partitions of a Deep Neural Network, CVPR 2023 Highlight
MIT License
83 stars 7 forks source link

Resnets #11

Open wendlerc opened 5 months ago

wendlerc commented 5 months ago


sorry for the maybe bit ignorant question. But, does this already work for resnets?

Best, Chris

AhmedImtiazPrio commented 4 months ago

Hi @wendlerc!

Doesn't work with Resnets out of the box yet. Need to free myself a little bit and work on implementation. Also open to contributions!!

wendlerc commented 4 months ago

I am not in this framework super deep yet, so if you could provide some guidance that would be helpful.

E.g., consider a resnet block: f(x) = x + r(x), in which r is a MLP. I guess it can be shown that f is continuous piecewise affine with a partition of the input space derived from the one of r? But, what would be the unit of analysis for the splinecam? Would it be a component of f?