AhoyISki / Firedecor

An advanced window decoration plugin for the wayfire window manager.
70 stars 7 forks source link

Doesnt work #7

Closed siduck closed 2 years ago

siduck commented 2 years ago

Hi @AhoyISki great plugin, I have installed it but i dont see any change in the decorations


it just looks like the default window decor in wayfire ;(

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Have you updated your config?

siduck commented 2 years ago

Have you updated your config?


siduck commented 2 years ago

How do i get the decorations to look like this


AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Have you installed wayfire by git cloneing?

siduck commented 2 years ago

Have you installed wayfire by git cloneing?


siduck commented 2 years ago
[sid@sid ~]$ ls /usr/local/lib/wayfire/

lib              libcommand.so                 libextra-gestures.so  libidle.so     libplace.so               libsimple-tile.so   libwinshadows.so
libalpha.so      libcube.so                    libfast-switcher.so   libinvert.so   libpreserve-output.so     libswitcher.so      libwm-actions.so
libanimate.so    libdecoration.so              libfiredecor.so       libipc.so      libresize.so              libvswipe.so        libwobbly.so
libautostart.so  libdefault-config-backend.so  libfisheye.so         libmove.so     libscale-title-filter.so  libvswitch.so       libwrot.so
libblur.so       libexpo.so                    libgrid.so            liboswitch.so  libscale.so               libwindow-rules.so  libzoom.so
[sid@sid ~]$ 
AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Check for a /usr/lib/wayfire/libfiredecor.so, if you find it, move it to to /usr/local/lib/wayfire/

siduck commented 2 years ago

Check for a /usr/lib/wayfire/libfiredecor.so, if you find it, move it to to /usr/local/lib/wayfire/

i dont find it

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

I have changed the directory in my comment

siduck commented 2 years ago

I have changed the directory in my comment

i dont find it there

siduck commented 2 years ago
[sid@sid ~]$ ls /usr/local/lib/wayfire/

lib              libcommand.so                 libextra-gestures.so  libidle.so     libplace.so               libsimple-tile.so   libwinshadows.so
libalpha.so      libcube.so                    libfast-switcher.so   libinvert.so   libpreserve-output.so     libswitcher.so      libwm-actions.so
libanimate.so    libdecoration.so              libfiredecor.so       libipc.so      libresize.so              libvswipe.so        libwobbly.so
libautostart.so  libdefault-config-backend.so  libfisheye.so         libmove.so     libscale-title-filter.so  libvswitch.so       libwrot.so
libblur.so       libexpo.so                    libgrid.so            liboswitch.so  libscale.so               libwindow-rules.so  libzoom.so
[sid@sid ~]$ 

its already there

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Can you restart wayfire then

siduck commented 2 years ago

Can you restart wayfire then

tried, no change :(

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

The default firedecor configuration is supposed to look like regular wayfire

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

To get it to look like the posted picture, you should look at the configs in the REAME.md

siduck commented 2 years ago

Can you restart wayfire then

oh so its supposed to look like default wayfire window decor by default?

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Yes, to get the white top, have a look at the accents feature

siduck commented 2 years ago

how do i change the button colors? i see them colored only when i hover on them, how can i keep the color permanent?

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

That information is in the buttons section of the README

siduck commented 2 years ago

i have tried changing the options in default firedecor config in wayfire.ini but doesnt work

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

The changes should apply on newly opened windows

siduck commented 2 years ago

ive tried it, no change at all.

active_accent = \#FFFFFFFF
active_border = \#222222AA
active_outline = \#000000FF
active_title = \#FFFFFFFF
border_size = 10 30 10 10
button_size = 20
button_style = firedecor
corner_radius = 20
debug_mode = false
extra_themes = 
font = sans-serif
font_size = 21
icon_size = 20
icon_theme = Papirus
ignore_views = none
inactive_accent = \#FFFFFFFF
inactive_border = \#333333DD
inactive_buttons = false
inactive_outline = \#000000FF
inactive_title = \#FFFFFFFF
layout = - P5 title | | minimize p maximize p close P5 -
max_title_size = 750
outline_size = 0
padding_size = 2
round_on = all

i should have rounded corners but its the same ;(

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Have you remembered to place firedecor in the [plugins] section?

siduck commented 2 years ago

Have you remembered to place firedecor in the [plugins] section?

yes ofc lol, its the last plugin there

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Did you remove the decoration plugin?

siduck commented 2 years ago


siduck commented 2 years ago

lemme try and see

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Remove it then, you can only have one active decoration plugin at a time

siduck commented 2 years ago

oooo works :0

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

For obvious reasons

siduck commented 2 years ago

@AhoyISki how do i change button colors?

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

There is currently no way to do that

siduck commented 2 years ago


also is there a way to add bottom padding under the title?

siduck commented 2 years ago

There is currently no way to do that

hmm so how does it takes those macos button colors? :thinking:

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago


also is there a way to add bottom padding under the title?

Not at the moment

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

There is currently no way to do that

hmm so how does it takes those macos button colors? thinking

? The colors are already set to a reasonable standard, and none of the pictures have different colors on the buttons

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

I have changed things so that the titles, icons and buttons should now be vertically centered on the edges.

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Don't know why I didn't do it like that the first time around

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

About the button colors, I'm gonna add them later today, as I'm in class atm. Honestly, the reason that wasn't a feature yet is mostly because that would be "too many options", if you get what I mean

siduck commented 2 years ago

About the button colors, I'm gonna add them later today, as I'm in class atm. Honestly, the reason that wasn't a feature yet is mostly because that would be "too many options", if you get what I mean

oh that'd be a great feature as the whole decoration's customizable at the moment so I suppose it'd be reasonable to keep the button colors changeable too :D. Also thanks for all the great work

AhoyISki commented 2 years ago

Now the buttons will interpolate between 2 colors of your choosing!

siduck commented 2 years ago

@AhoyISki thanks a lot!


Also you can check the wayfire-shadows plugin, I dont think you need to implement it :p