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/flutter-marketplace-app-with-stripe-connect-part-2/ #13

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Flutter Marketplace app with Stripe Connect - Part 2 | ahsanayaz.com

In this series of blog posts, you'll learn how to configure Payments using Stripe Connect for a marketplace app built with Flutter. Specifically in Part 2, we're going to implement Deep Links into the Flutter app, and will use Stripe Checkout for paying for products, as customers.


sleewok commented 3 years ago

Is there any particular reason you are not using webview for the onboarding process? I would think the user experience would be better if webview was used instead of opening a browser and using deep links.

BTW, thanks for this tutorial. Very helpful. It would be great to see how to convert this to work with Firebase Functions :).

AhsanAyaz commented 3 years ago

Hey @sleewok. Great question. I've used both techniques in this tutorial. I.e. using a WebView and using Deep links. And my intent with this was to teach both techniques so you can use them here, or in other use cases of your own. In terms of user experience particularly for the features we discussed in this tutorial, you're right that using a WebView for both onboarding process and paying for products is more appropriate. :)

sleewok commented 3 years ago

Awesome, that's what I was hoping. Thanks again for this. I'll be sure to check out your YouTube and other accounts. Thanks for your quick response!