Ahsankhalid618 / react-weather-app

The weather app project is a dynamic and user-friendly web application that uses React.js to retrieve current and 5-day weather forecasts for various cities around the world. The app allows users to search for a city by name and view its weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and description of the current weather.
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Light Mode UI #22

Closed PrahladMehta closed 1 month ago

PrahladMehta commented 1 month ago

I think the light mode ui can be better , the background gradient is not looking good it is quite darker to the right side . assign the task to me under hacktoberfast show i can improve it .

Ahsankhalid618 commented 1 month ago

@PrahladMehta light mode is looking good but if you have an idea that can improve better, explain in detail and add some screenshots so I can get an idea