2. In what kind of operation problems appear, and how to reproduce the problem ?(什么样的操作步骤问题会出现,是否是稳定复现,如何复现问题?)
When flashing for first time, after upload the DRY and LOD file, I click flash button and it appears this message " `LOD_Read': Could not open file ! (FileOpenError)".
I have moved the files to different locations, but error keeps going.
1. SDK version(SDK 版本)
CSDTK 4.2 ($Revision: 43828 $)
2. In what kind of operation problems appear, and how to reproduce the problem ?(什么样的操作步骤问题会出现,是否是稳定复现,如何复现问题?)
When flashing for first time, after upload the DRY and LOD file, I click flash button and it appears this message " `LOD_Read': Could not open file ! (FileOpenError)". I have moved the files to different locations, but error keeps going.