AiBattleground / BotWars

The AiBattleground website and NetBots Game Engine. Serves as an artificial intelligence challenge where AI bots can compete in programming game.
MIT License
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Systems Development Life Cycle Document Needed #16

Open Pabreetzio opened 9 years ago

Pabreetzio commented 9 years ago

A systems development life cycle document is something we can use as we develop this application to guide us as to what process to follow for designing new features, prioritizing what to work on, how it should be implemented and maintained. Specific questions to address are how we should handle branching and merging for source control.

Pabreetzio commented 9 years ago

I've created a wiki page for this in this Github repository. Will update it further in the near future.

Dubman25 commented 9 years ago

I'll be adding some suggestions to the first three sections at Patrick's request. I'll be operating under the assumption that the majority of the work done on this project will be remote, as people seem to have limited availability for in person works sessions. As a result of the virtual nature of the work, workflows will request more written documentation than would normally be expected.