AiBattleground / BotWars

The AiBattleground website and NetBots Game Engine. Serves as an artificial intelligence challenge where AI bots can compete in programming game.
MIT License
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Communication between bot and game server should be reversed. #22

Open Pabreetzio opened 9 years ago

Pabreetzio commented 9 years ago

Right now the game server sends a request to the bot server to ask it for a move. This requires anyone who wants to have a bot to be able to host their bot as a site. It takes a relatively advanced user to be able to code a bot, create their own site and host their bot. I think there is a better way.

We could have bots send a request to the game server to make moves and have the server respond with the next game state. If the bots request to make the move then we could have bots that are entirely browser based.

I'd like to see us going in the direction where anyone can hit F12 in their browser of choice and start making changes to code that they can then see instantly reflected in the way their bots play the game.