AiYinZiLeGong / PUBG-Radar

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useless radar #65

Closed SayRivera closed 6 years ago

SayRivera commented 6 years ago


in the last few laps people are not displayed at all on radar, or in last game 11 ppl alive but on radar just 4, how to fix it? and when ppl, obviously, quickly enter the radar coverage area (1.5km) on transport at a speed of 100 km/h+ - they do not appear in it, i mean they are near to you, but not displayed on radar use lic win10x64 laptop as middle pc and AiYinZiLeGong's fork with next adds:

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

btw the forks of @AiYinZiLeGong / @Psycho7 / @TheUserUnknown - are compile without errors, run and work normally, fork of @PubgKnown - compile without errors, but doest start, just nothing happens after double clicking on .jar where look for a solution?

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

I am using @PubgKnown without any problem. Only this forks works for me due to i also has issue with own position. So, i just scroll map manually.

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x so for u until the end of the game all the players are displayed normally?

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

I just started to play with this radar. But yes, it's looks like no all players displayed at radar.

Al1-mert commented 6 years ago

yeah i experianced some problems too, i had a game where last 5 players were alive airdrops. but i modified mine a lot so i cant keep track

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

Emm did you guys talk about that yesterday's patch made radar useless? I didn't have time to play PUBG these days.

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 nope, this problem is during all week for me

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid That's weird. Usually if radar works correctly before jumping, it just works until you leave. Of course location of items are far from precise. FYI, I never use it on VM or another machine, which means I don't turn on Promiscuous Mode.

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 without VM or middle pc? then how? and yeap, radar works correctly before n after jumping, just for ur +-landing place

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

Well I got 2 monitors connected to a single machine.

BTW, the location of yourself is fetched from RTP packets. And those packets may not be sent out when you are using the voice channel, which may be the reason. See #10

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 emmm, so if i got 3 monitors connected to gaming pc, i can start radar without all those spoofings? just on another one from pubg monitor? i do not really understand the mechanics of all this

PubgKnown commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid The one from my fork needs to be run from command line.

java -jar .\target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar GAME_PC_IP PortFilter

Items are in general location because the locations being used is the Group location for the set of items and is not processing the offsets of per item locations

pornodog commented 6 years ago

@PubgKnown hey man how come when i run your fork, it gives me this error?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at pubg.radar.GameKt.main(Game.kt:47) Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Collection contains no element matching the predicate. at pubg.radar.sniffer.Sniffer.(Sniffer.kt:206) ... 1 more

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

@PubgKnown @Psycho7 @Pochtidruid - If your player location is work correct - can you please share pcap file or an example of UDP packet explanation ?

oCortex commented 6 years ago

@pornodog I think you've entered your IP wrong.

java -jar .\target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar GAME_PC_IP PortFilter

pornodog commented 6 years ago

I see my player though @oCortex and everyone else. It's just the items I can't see

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

@pornodog but @oCortex didn't create any PUBG fork.

pornodog commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x i meant @PubgKnown

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x I want to but am not able to... I was trying to make my own radar however it's really really complex. This repo really save my life. XD

I can only tell you the position of yourself. Look at your outgoing 86-byte udp packet. Check it's last 12 bytes, it should look like 00/ff xx xx xx 00/ff yy yy yy 00/ff zz zz zz. And incoming 186-byte udp packets also have your position. Other than this, other information are divided into several bunches and distributed in different packets. After you capturing those, you need to parse them and place those bunches in right order and parse again, which is exactly why it's hard.

However, you can found a diagram about diagram on UC, though it's not that accurate. And of course you can also refer to this repo and the code of UE4.

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@pornodog It's weird, really. If you didn't modify any code, seeing player position means it's working as expected. Which repo are you using? This repo shall work as charm.

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid If you want to use radar without middle machine or VM, use code before commit adb435ef8257dd1561bf6d781c96501151b25348. Build your packets and run, that's it. BTW, I never update from this repo since that commit LOL.

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 Thanks for this suggestion. I will try to find this packets. But, 86 byte - this total UDP packet size or only payload ?

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x By 86 I mean the whole packet. It's 44 for the payload. Here is what this repo do.

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 But this is my issue. I see all traffic from my Game PC, but no any UDP packet with length 86. May be because in-game VoiceChat totally disabled in my country my UDP packet has different size.

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 thx for the tips on the whole everything works perfectly as it should! use last @PubgKnown fork on 2nd monitor, without spoofing


Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid IMHO, I don't think using another machine matters and it will bring out some unexpected problems. No one is going to scan all of your memory just for anti-cheating. The only company I know would do this is Tecent. Well, Tecent is PUBG's agent and operator in China now LOL.

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x Unfortunately, you are right. Those packets are parts of in-game VoiceChat. In wireshark they are marked as RTP packets. I don't know why BlueHole did such a stupid thing... However, I heard about there are other ways to get your own position even more accurately, but not as easy as this.

So my suggestion is to find a way to enable your in-game chat. I don't understand why your country ban this... If my country want to ban something about PUBG, they will ban PUBG totally instead of only voice chat...

Sir3x commented 6 years ago

@Psycho7 - i try to analyze whole game traffic and observe a lot of 6 bytes packets. And this packet looks like outgoing information from MyGamePCto GameServer. Now i will try to find a way how to decode this packets.

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@Sir3x в общих чертах, проблемы с отображением людей на карте - из-за неразборчивого режима работы сетевой, если запускать радар на том же пк, что и пубг, но 2-ом мониторе - радар работает отлично.

also @Psycho7 @PubgKnown @AiYinZiLeGong how can I remove the showing on the radar of suppressors for pistols and smg?

Al1-mert commented 6 years ago

java -jar tiled.jar (myip) PortFilter doesnt work for me. i got the same error as pornodog. my ip is correct. java file is at desktop same as the cmd file.

Psycho7 commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid See & &

Norxy commented 6 years ago

@al1m3rt Run in Command Prompt 'java -jar pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar PortFilter '

Al1-mert commented 6 years ago

its a virtual machine, should i type the same ip adress twice?

SayRivera commented 6 years ago

@PubgKnown use ur fork, all t2/t3 loot is displayed on the radar, except the 98kar, what could be the problem?

Al1-mert commented 6 years ago

okay i got it working thanks

linnnnnnnn commented 6 years ago

@Pochtidruid How do you do the display icon instead of a long string of letters?