Aida-Enna / MognetPlugin

A simple plugin which allows you to send your Final Fantasy XIV parse data as a POST request to your server.
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Bot down #22

Closed Songlilly closed 3 years ago

Songlilly commented 3 years ago

Bot has been down for over a month now, just wondering if its dead or being fixed? My FC and I really like this bot and there doesn't seem to be any other bot to replace it.

rftr commented 3 years ago

no comments. I think we can assume dead

Aida-Enna commented 3 years ago

For some reason this repo -really- doesn't seem to want to notify me when issues are opened, even though I've turned on all notifications for it. Someone poked me on discord and I restarted it. I'll have one of my other bots keep an eye on it and restart it whenever it goes down. Sorry for the problem!

Aida-Enna commented 3 years ago

So the reason that the bot started crashing hard a bit ago is because the Discord library needs to updated, along with some code changes to accomidate that. I'll post again (and close this issue) once I'm done and the bot is working again.

enternius commented 3 years ago

Thanks a ton, was trying to get it set back up when I noticed it wasn't responding to my commands and got a bit nervous.

No rush though, I appreciate that you're doing it either way

Aida-Enna commented 3 years ago

Discord code fixed, bot is operational and working as intended! I'll keep the server monitoring code up just in case. If the bot goes down again and is down for more than an hour, please make an issue here. If I don't respond within 12 hours (Github please please PLEASE send me the notifications, I have this repo on "Watch All Activity"!), please send me a DM on Discord (Aida Enna#0001) so I can fix it. Sorry, and thank you everyone for your patience 🙏