AidanHiggs / CIS-18_NetworkScan

2023 fall semester CIS-18 project
MIT License
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Computer Checker Linda on Vacation. User story. #24

Open RValdez216 opened 10 months ago

RValdez216 commented 10 months ago

Description of work

Task: Create a HomeComputer class Task: Create a VacationCheck class Task: Implement logic for checking computer state Task: Implement the HomeComputer class methods Task: Integrate HomeComputer and VacationCheck classes Task: Testing and Bug Fixes Task: Documentation and Code Review

classDiagram class HomeComputer {

UML Mermaid Link:

Acceptance Criteria

Create Classes and Implement logic and methods. Commit from the feature branch and post the URL in the Canvas assignment when done.

RValdez216 commented 10 months ago

I can't add any comments or open any user's stories for some reason, So I created a new issue to add a task and will upload it to my feature branch

RValdez216 commented 10 months ago


Task: Create a HomeComputer class

Priority: Medium Description: Create a class that represents a home computer. This class should have attributes to store the computer's state (on or off) and methods to check and update its state. Time Estimate: 30 min

Task: Create a VacationCheck class

Priority: Medium Description: Create a class that allows a vacationer to check the state of their home computer. This class should have a method to check the computer's state and return whether it's on or off. Time Estimate: 30 min

Task: Implement logic for checking computer state

Priority: Medium Description: Write pseudo code to outline the logic for checking the state of the home computer in the VacationCheck class. Consider how you will interface with the HomeComputer class. Time Estimate: 30 min

Task: Implement the HomeComputer class methods

Priority: High Description: Write code to implement the methods in the HomeComputer class for checking and updating the computer's state. Time Estimate: 30 min

Task: Integrate HomeComputer and VacationCheck classes

Priority: High Description: Write code to integrate the HomeComputer and VacationCheck classes. Test the functionality to ensure a vacationer can check the computer's state. Time Estimate: 30 Min

Task: Testing and Bug Fixes (Use ChatGPT)

Priority: Easy Description: Test the entire system, identify and fix any bugs, and ensure it works as expected. Time Estimate: 30 min

Task: Documentation and Code Review

Priority: High Description: Document your code, create UML diagrams using the Mermaid Live Editor, and prepare it for code review by your team. Time Estimate: 30 min