AidanLau10 / projecttri2

Trimester 2 project repository frontend
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Team Review #9

Open AidanLau10 opened 8 months ago

AidanLau10 commented 8 months ago
Name Team+Indi+Teacher Key Commits Analytics Video Individual ticket
Anvay Yadav 0.88 + 0.88 + 0.1 = 1.86 Binary Clock, Brawl Stars, Style Commit Analytics Video 1 Individual Ticket
Tanav K 0.88 + 0.87 + 0.1 = 1.85 T/f Quiz>Choose Favorite bracket> Analytics Video Individual Ticket>
Aidan Lau 0.88 + 0.9 + 0.1 = 1.88 Street Lamp, Logic Gate With Emojis, Logic Gates Analytics Video 1, Video 2 Individual Ticket
Srini Nampalli 0.88+0.88+0.1 = 1.86 Key Commit Analytics Personal Video Review on features
AnvayYadav commented 8 months ago

Individual Review Anvay Yadav grading Imaad

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Yes, he was a key contributor. Showed multiple commits consistently throughout the span of the project.

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

[ 0.84] Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute [0.86 ] Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives [0.9 ] Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions [ 0.9] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.


Freeform comment. Provide positivies and growth summary. Justify or comment on final score. Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

I like the sheer amount of commits you had, showed that you're actually working. Also your plans were detailed and showed your work over the week, so overall good stuff keep coding. The binary decrypter/encrypter is very impressive, and a very good feature overall. I can tell it took some effort to learn how to develop one.

Possible improvements:

Provide user with more feedback when password is encrypted or decrypted. Add like a pop up message or something, a cool idea/addition that I believe would be good.

Second Improvement would be to make stricter plans with daily goals, so that your whole team is more methodical and organized and can work efficiently.

AidanLau10 commented 8 months ago

Individual Review Aidan grading Tejas

[0.9 - Tejas demonstrated that he contributed and participated to his team with his binay feature] Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

[0.85 - Video explains the code and provides a demonstration of the feature for the user] Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute [0.7 - Only has one plan which about his own feature and no plans that contribute to overall team project like a scrum board.] Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives [0.9 - Frequent and quality commits] Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions [0.9 - Analytics shows that Tejas participated actively throughout project] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks

Overall Comments I like the functionality of Tejas' feature. You can add and subtract binary which will turn on and off light bulbs. These light bulbs represent binary because they have two outputs, on and off. It uses javascript logic to evaluate the current binary number and then updates the website. You can also click on the light bulbs themselves to view the binary number.

I gave Tejas a 0.85/0.9 because I liked how his feature felt very complete and interactive. However, from a user standpoint, I didn't understand some terms like "octet" or "hexadecimal". I wish there was some text or instructions for the user so they know what they are trying to look for. It is very nice to have a fully functioning feature that represents binary, but if the user is a beginner, how would they know what was going on? Overall, I really like the functionality and visual representation of Tejas' binary feature. He demonstrated his contribution to his team's project but could work in the video and planning areas.

tanav-kambhampati commented 8 months ago

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

[0.9] Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute [0.9] Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives [0.8] Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions [0.9] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incoomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment. Provide positivies and growth summary. Justify or comment on final score. Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

Final Score: 0.875/0.9

Overall great work! I see that Ronit put in the work because he has many commits and also an excellent feature. I like the styling he did. His video was also great with good captions. One thing I would suggest is to have more issues but this is a minor issue.

Keep it up!

SrinivasNampalli commented 8 months ago

Individual Review "Tarun"

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

[ Yes ] Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute [ Yes ]sue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives [ Yes ] Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions [ Yes ] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks 0.87. Lacking some communication

Worked well and had to adapt to new things with live share. This made it hard for him but he adapted well and had a really cool ASCII image converter. Student contributed well and had some nice and cool features that made the overall project better. You can tell he worked well by himself since his feature is amazing, however, I noticed that he could do a little bit better when talking and working with his teammates. One thing I would like to suggest is being more part of the team and doing small other tasks to help each other. Make sure to stay focused and make cool new features like this! Make more interactive features in the future!