AidanTilgner / Onyx-Personal

This is my personal version of the (so far nonexistent) Onyx Systems core microservices. This is the original project and might change over time, but is completely self-hostable. Still very much pre-production though.
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Interpretation server responses #18

Closed AidanTilgner closed 2 years ago

AidanTilgner commented 2 years ago

Right now we have intent classification and actions mappings, but we need responses to conversational questions and just quick responses in general for things. If there's an action that is being performed asynchronously, we can provide a quick response then some information about what's happening in the background, then when the background information is ready, it can be sent to a return address.

AidanTilgner commented 2 years ago

So now we have responses enabled, but we still need to add in the action server, that if there is a response, it doesn't mean there shouldn't still be an action executed. If there is a corresponding action mapping for the nlu action in the Action server, we should execute that action asynchronously, and return the response in the meantime. The asynchronous action should be provided an ultimate endpoint that it can send to once the action is complete. That way, we have an immediate response to a task from the NLU server, but we also have an action activated in the background.

This will give us functionality for more complex background tasks.