AidanZealley / off.canvas

Off canvas style HTML, CSS and javascript framework
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Content adjustment when sidebar is open! #13

Open pgroot91 opened 9 years ago

pgroot91 commented 9 years ago

It would be nice when a sidebar is open the content will center itself in the center of the page width. now it pushes the content of the screen on desktops because it is it's full 100% screen resolution.

I hope you understand what i mean would be awesome if it's possible to accomplish that! See the image i made with the red how it is now and the green what i tried to accomplish here..

offcanvas sidebar content solution

Basicly what i need is a custom class for the body that when sidebar-left is op it get's a class of sidebar-left-open or for the right sidebar-right-open.

my sidebar is 320px width and i will add this css to every row element:

margin: 0 -160px 0 160px;

That way the content stays in the middle.

I hope i explained everything and can get some help from someone that can help me to acomplish this.