AidanZealley / off.canvas

Off canvas style HTML, CSS and javascript framework
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Fullscreen iOS #3

Open ejubbicic opened 11 years ago

ejubbicic commented 11 years ago

Hi Aidan,

I'd like to use your off canvas framework in a project. But since you use a scrollable div (scrollableArea), there seems to be a problem to run it in fullscreen on iOS.

Basically, I think it would be solved if the whole page was scrollable. Could that be made?

AidanZealley commented 11 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

The whole page is not scrollable as it has overflow:hidden applied to it to enable the sidebar(s) to site off the screen without causing horizontal scrollbars. A compromise could be made by using overflow-x:hidden instead but this would cause a fundamental error on non supporting browsers, which is why I chose to go with scrollable divs within each section.

What is the issue that occurs when attempting to run fullscreen? It could be something I can fix.

Cheers Aidan

smayton commented 11 years ago

On iOS (and some Androids), there are various scripts to hide the browser's navigation bar. Off-canvas does not allow the navigation bar to be hidden on iPhone portrait view. But, here's a weird thing: iPhone landscape view, it will initially hide the bar, but when you scroll on the page resulting in the browser's nav bar coming back into view, you cannot scroll it back out again.

Here is my would-like-to-have (as a possible compromise, based on what you said above about the scrollable divs): On responsive sites, I don't show this for desktop screen sizes, rather, I show the button to activate it on tablets and phones. So, when you say "fundamental error on non supporting browsers" – if those problematic browsers are for desktops only, then I can live with that since I don't show it for them anyways. If I could get it to work for mobile only, I'd be a happy guy. What do you think?

Would there be a solution if you didn't have a fixed header?

smayton commented 11 years ago


Any chance that this will be addressed? The issue is magnified exponentially in iOS 7.

smayton commented 10 years ago

Aidan, do you plan to continue support with this?

AidanZealley commented 10 years ago

Hi, yea I'm planning to make a new version that will fix a lot of the problems but currently I'm too busy on other projects. It will hopefully be early next year that I can get started on it.