AidansJCR / aidans-jcr

A new website for Aidan's JCR. Powered by Wagtail CMS with custom apps for other features
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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 38 #50

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

boto3 1.4.5 » 1.4.7 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
botocore 1.5.90 » 1.7.12 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Django 1.11.4 » 1.11.5 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-compressor 2.1.1 » 2.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
djangorestframework 3.6.3 » 3.6.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
psycopg2 2.7.3 » PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
python-http-client 2.4.0 » 3.0.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
requests 2.18.2 » 2.18.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
s3transfer 0.1.10 » 0.1.11 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
sendgrid 4.2.0 » 5.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
six 1.10.0 » 1.11.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage | Docs
wagtail 1.11.1 » 1.12.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
wagtailmenus 2.3.2 » 2.4.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Willow 0.4 » 1.0 PyPI


boto3 1.4.5 -> 1.4.7



  • enhancement:botocore: Raised minor version dependency for botocore



  • enhancement:Logging: Switch log levels from INFO to DEBUG (1208 <>__)

botocore 1.5.90 -> 1.7.12



  • api-change:apigateway: Update apigateway client to latest version



  • api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: Update organizations client to latest version



  • api-change:autoscaling: Update autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:batch: Update batch client to latest version
  • api-change:events: Update events client to latest version



  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version



  • api-change:devicefarm: Update devicefarm client to latest version



  • api-change:logs: Update logs client to latest version



  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models client to latest version
  • api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:route53: Update route53 client to latest version



  • api-change:budgets: Update budgets client to latest version



  • api-change:codestar: Update codestar client to latest version



  • api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:mobile: Update mobile client to latest version
  • api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift client to latest version



  • api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild client to latest version
  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
  • api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:lex-models: Update lex-models client to latest version



  • api-change:application-autoscaling: Update application-autoscaling client to latest version
  • api-change:organizations: Update organizations client to latest version



  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
  • feature:Waiter: Expose configurable waiter interface
  • api-change:config: Update config client to latest version



  • api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift client to latest version
  • api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation client to latest version
  • api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version



  • api-change:rekognition: Update rekognition client to latest version



  • api-change:appstream: Update appstream client to latest version



  • bugfix:Paginator: Fix Athena GetQueryResults paginator
  • api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version



  • api-change:route53: Update route53 client to latest version
  • api-change:firehose: Update firehose client to latest version



  • api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift client to latest version



  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version



  • api-change:cloudhsmv2: Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:glue: Update glue client to latest version
  • api-change:mgh: Update mgh client to latest version
  • api-change:efs: Update efs client to latest version
  • api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway client to latest version
  • api-change:batch: Update batch client to latest version



  • api-change:ec2: Update ec2 client to latest version
  • feature:retries: Add ability to configure the maximum amount of retry attempts a client call can make. (1260 <>__)
  • api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy client to latest version



  • api-change:clouddirectory: Update clouddirectory client to latest version
  • api-change:codebuild: Update codebuild client to latest version



  • api-change:rds: Update rds client to latest version



  • bugfix:Paginator: Ensure that the page size type matches the type expected by the service. Fixes 1063 <>__.
  • bugfix:Exceptions: Default to 'Unknown' when error response is missing 'Error' key
  • api-change:elasticbeanstalk: Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version



  • api-change:ses: Update ses client to latest version
  • api-change:pinpoint: Update pinpoint client to latest version
  • api-change:codedeploy: Update codedeploy client to latest version
  • api-change:config: Update config client to latest version



  • api-change:ssm: Update ssm client to latest version
  • api-change:inspector: Update inspector client to latest version

Django 1.11.4 -> 1.11.5



September 5, 2017

Django 1.11.5 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 1.11.4.

CVE-2017-12794: Possible XSS in traceback section of technical 500 debug page

In older versions, HTML autoescaping was disabled in a portion of the template for the technical 500 debug page. Given the right circumstances, this allowed a cross-site scripting attack. This vulnerability shouldn't affect most production sites since you shouldn't run with DEBUG = True (which makes this page accessible) in your production settings.


  • Fixed GEOS version parsing if the version has a commit hash at the end (new in GEOS 3.6.2) (:ticket:28441).

  • Added compatibility for cx_Oracle 6 (:ticket:28498).

  • Fixed select widget rendering when option values are tuples (:ticket:28502).

  • Django 1.11 inadvertently changed the sequence and trigger naming scheme on Oracle. This causes errors on INSERTs for some tables if 'use_returning_into': False is in the OPTIONS part of DATABASES. The pre-1.11 naming scheme is now restored. Unfortunately, it necessarily requires an update to Oracle tables created with Django 1.11.[1-4]. Use the upgrade script in :ticket:28451 comment 8 to update sequence and trigger names to use the pre-1.11 naming scheme.

  • Added POST request support to LogoutView, for equivalence with the function-based logout() view (:ticket:28513).

  • Omitted pages_per_range from BrinIndex.deconstruct() if it's None (:ticket:25809).

  • Fixed a regression where SelectDateWidget localized the years in the select box (:ticket:28530).

  • Fixed a regression in 1.11.4 where runserver crashed with non-Unicode system encodings on Python 2 + Windows (:ticket:28487).

  • Fixed a regression in Django 1.10 where changes to a ManyToManyField weren't logged in the admin change history (:ticket:27998) and prevented ManyToManyField initial data in model forms from being affected by subsequent model changes (:ticket:28543).

  • Fixed non-deterministic results or an AssertionError crash in some queries with multiple joins (:ticket:26522).

  • Fixed a regression in contrib.auth's login() and logout() views where they ignored positional arguments (:ticket:28550).


django-compressor 2.1.1 -> 2.2


Full Changelog <>_

  • Switch from MD5 to SHA256 for hashes generation.

  • Add Django 1.11 compatibility

  • Various compatibility fixes for Python 3.6 and Django 1.8

  • Made OfflineGenerationError easier to debug

  • Drop support for Python 3.2

  • Add new CssRelativeFilter which works like CssAbsoluteFilter but outputs relative URLs.

  • Fix URL CssAbsoluteFilter URL detection

djangorestframework 3.6.3 -> 3.6.4


Date: [21st August 2017][3.6.4-milestone]

  • Ignore any invalidly formed query parameters for OrderingFilter. [5131][gh5131]
  • Improve memory footprint when reading large JSON requests. [5147][gh5147]
  • Fix schema generation for pagination. [5161][gh5161]
  • Fix exception when HTML_CUTOFF is set to None. [5174][gh5174]
  • Fix browsable API not supporting multipart/form-data correctly. [5176][gh5176]
  • Fixed test_hyperlinked_related_lookup_url_encoded_exists. [5179][gh5179]
  • Make sure max_length is in FileField kwargs. [5186][gh5186]
  • Fix list_route & detail_route with kwargs contains curly bracket in url_path [5187][gh5187]
  • Add Django manage command to create a DRF user Token. [5188][gh5188]
  • Ensure API documentation templates do not check for user authentication [5162][gh5162]
  • Fix special case where OneToOneField is also primary key. [5192][gh5192]
  • Added aria-label and a new region for accessibility purposes in base.html [5196][gh5196]
  • Quote nested API parameters in api.js. [5214][gh5214]
  • Set ViewSet args/kwargs/request before dispatch. [5229][gh5229]
  • Added unicode support to SlugField. [5231][gh5231]
  • Fix HiddenField appears in Raw Data form initial content. [5259][gh5259]
  • Raise validation error on invalid timezone parsing. [5261][gh5261]
  • Fix SearchFilter to-many behavior/performance. [5264][gh5264]
  • Simplified chained comparisons and minor code fixes. [5276][gh5276]
  • RemoteUserAuthentication, docs, and tests. [5306][gh5306]
  • Revert "Cached the field's root and context property" [5313][gh5313]
  • Fix introspection of list field in schema. [5326][gh5326]
  • Fix interactive docs for multiple nested and extra methods. [5334][gh5334]
  • Fix/remove undefined template var "schema" [5346][gh5346]

psycopg2 2.7.3 ->


  • Dropped libresolv from wheel package to avoid incompatibility with glibc 2.26 (wheels ticket 2)

python-http-client 2.4.0 -> 3.0.0



  • The breaking change actually happened in version 2.3.0, which I mistakenly applied a minor version bump.
  • This version replaces error handling via HTTPError from urllib in favor of custom error handling via the HTTPError class.

requests 2.18.2 -> 2.18.4




  • Error messages for invalid headers now include the header name for easier debugging


  • We now support idna v2.6.




  • Running $ python -m now includes the installed version of idna.


  • Fixed issue where Requests would raise ConnectionError instead of SSLError when encountering SSL problems when using urllib3 v1.22.

s3transfer 0.1.10 -> 0.1.11



  • bugfix:TransferManager: Properly handle unicode exceptions in the context manager. Fixes 85 <>__

sendgrid 4.2.0 -> 5.2.0



  • Pull 335: Permit unicode string values with Substitution helper
  • Big thanks to Mehron Kugler for the pull request!



  • Pull 338: Allow the __str__ method for the Mail object return an String instead of a NoneType
  • Solves 292: The __str__ method of the Mail class, doesn't actually return anything
  • Big thanks to belfazt for the pull request!



  • Pull 337, fixes issue 366
  • On install, some experienced: ValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in", 'python-http-client ==3.0.*', 'at', '*')



  • The breaking change actually happened in version 4.2.1, where I mistakenly applied a patch version bump. See issues 328 and 321 for details.
  • This version (5.0.0) replaces error handling via HTTPError from urllib in favor of custom error handling via the HTTPError class as was the case in version 4.2.0.



  • Issue 321: Installing 4.2.0 installs the wrong version of python-http-client
  • Big thanks to w- for the heads up!

six 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0


  • Pull request 178: with_metaclass now properly proxies __prepare__ to the underlying metaclass.

  • Pull request 191: Allow with_metaclass to work with metaclasses implemented in C.

  • Pull request 203: Add parse_http_list and parse_keqv_list to moved urllib.request.

  • Pull request 172 and issue 171: Add unquote_to_bytes to moved urllib.parse.

  • Pull request 167: Add six.moves.getoutput.

  • Pull request 80: Add six.moves.urllib_parse.splitvalue.

  • Pull request 75: Add six.moves.email_mime_image.

  • Pull request 72: Avoid creating reference cycles through tracebacks in reraise.

wagtail 1.11.1 -> 1.12.1


* Fix: Prevent home page draft title from displaying as blank (Mikalai Radchuk, Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Fix regression on styling of preview button with more than one preview mode (Jack Paine)
* Fix: Enabled translations within date-time chooser widget (Lucas Moeskops)

### 1.12
  • Ability to configure the feature set of rich text fields on a per-field basis (Matt Westcott)
  • New class-based configuration for media embeds (Karl Hobley)
  • The admin interface now displays a title of the latest draft (Mikalai Radchuk)
  • RoutablePageMixin now has a default "index" route (Andreas Nüßlein, Matt Westcott)
  • Added multi-select form field to the form builder (dwasyl)
  • Improved performance of sitemap generation (Levi Adler)
  • StreamField now respects the blank setting; StreamBlock accepts a required setting (Loic Teixeira)
  • StreamBlock now accepts min_num, max_num and block_counts settings to control the minimum and maximum numbers of blocks (Edwar Baron, Matt Westcott)
  • Users can no longer remove their own active / superuser flags through Settings -> Users (Stein Strindhaug, Huub Bouma)
  • The process_form_submission method of form pages now return the created form submission object (cho-leukeleu)
  • Added WAGTAILUSERS_PASSWORD_ENABLED and WAGTAILUSERS_PASSWORD_REQUIRED settings to permit creating users with no Django-side passwords, to support external authentication setups (Matt Westcott)
  • Added help text parameter to DecimalBlock and RegexBlock (Tomasz Knapik)
  • Optimised caudal oscillation parameters on logo (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: FieldBlocks in StreamField now call the field's prepare_value method (Tim Heap)
  • Fix: Initial disabled state of InlinePanel add button is now set correctly on non-default tabs (Matthew Downey)
  • Fix: Redirects with unicode characters now work (Rich Brennan)
  • Fix: Prevent explorer view from crashing when page model definitions are missing, allowing the offending pages to be deleted (Matt Westcott)
  • Fix: Hide the userbar from printed page representation (Eugene Morozov)
  • Fix: Prevent the page editor footer content from collapsing into two lines unnecessarily (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: StructBlock values no longer render HTML templates as their str representation, to prevent infinite loops in debugging / logging tools (Matt Westcott)
  • Fix: Removed deprecated jQuery load call from TableBlock initialisation (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: Position of options in mobile nav-menu (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: Center page editor footer regardless of screen width (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: Change the design of the navbar toggle icon so that it no longer obstructs page headers (Jack Paine)
  • Fix: Document add/edit forms no longer render container elements for hidden fields (Jeffrey Chau)

wagtailmenus 2.3.2 -> 2.4.1


  • Adjusted Meta classes on menu item models so that common behaviour is defined once in AbastractMenuItem.Meta.
  • Refactored the AbstractMenuItem's menu_text property method to improve code readability, and better handle instances where neither link_text or link_page are set.
  • Replaced overly long with brand new documentation and a new README.rst which will render better on PyPi. The documentation is kindly hosted by and can be found at
  • Added Chinese translations, kindly submitted by 汇民 王 (levinewong)
  • Added the 'use_absolute_page_urls' argument to all template tags. When a value equating to True is provided, the menu will be rendered using the 'full URL' for each page (including the protocol/domain derived from the relevant wagtailcore.models.Site object), instead the 'relative URL' used by default. Developed by Trent Holliday of Morris Technology and Andy Babic.

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

Closing this in favor of #51