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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 39 #80

Closed pyup-bot closed 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Update beautifulsoup4 from 4.6.0 to 4.6.3.

Changelog ### 4.6.2 ``` * Fix an exception when a custom formatter was asked to format a void element. [bug=1784408] ``` ### 4.6.1 ``` * Stop data loss when encountering an empty numeric entity, and possibly in other cases. Thanks to tos.kamiya for the fix. [bug=1698503] * Preserve XML namespaces introduced inside an XML document, not just the ones introduced at the top level. [bug=1718787] * Added a new formatter, "html5", which represents void elements as "<element>" rather than "<element/>". [bug=1716272] * Fixed a problem where the html.parser tree builder interpreted a string like "&foo " as the character entity "&foo;" [bug=1728706] * Correctly handle invalid HTML numeric character entities like &147; which reference code points that are not Unicode code points. Note that this is only fixed when Beautiful Soup is used with the html.parser parser -- html5lib already worked and I couldn't fix it with lxml. [bug=1782933] * Improved the warning given when no parser is specified. [bug=1780571] * When markup contains duplicate elements, a select() call that includes multiple match clauses will match all relevant elements. [bug=1770596] * Fixed code that was causing deprecation warnings in recent Python 3 versions. Includes a patch from Ville Skyttä. [bug=1778909] [bug=1689496] * Fixed a Windows crash in diagnose() when checking whether a long markup string is a filename. [bug=1737121] * Stopped HTMLParser from raising an exception in very rare cases of bad markup. [bug=1708831] * Fixed a bug where find_all() was not working when asked to find a tag with a namespaced name in an XML document that was parsed as HTML. [bug=1723783] * You can get finer control over formatting by subclassing bs4.element.Formatter and passing a Formatter instance into (e.g.) encode(). [bug=1716272] * You can pass a dictionary of `attrs` into BeautifulSoup.new_tag. This makes it possible to create a tag with an attribute like 'name' that would otherwise be masked by another argument of new_tag. [bug=1779276] * Clarified the deprecation warning when accessing tag.fooTag, to cover the possibility that you might really have been looking for a tag called 'fooTag'. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:

Update boto3 from 1.4.7 to 1.9.14.

Changelog ### 1.9.14 ``` ====== * api-change:``codestar``: [``botocore``] Update codestar client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.13 ``` ====== * api-change:``mq``: [``botocore``] Update mq client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version * enhancement:Event: [``botocore``] Add the `before-send` event which allows finalized requests to be inspected before being sent across the wire and allows for custom responses to be returned. * api-change:``codecommit``: [``botocore``] Update codecommit client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.12 ``` ====== * api-change:``sqs``: [``botocore``] Update sqs client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``opsworkscm``: [``botocore``] Update opsworkscm client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.11 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``cloudfront``: [``botocore``] Update cloudfront client to latest version * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] Update ds client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.10 ``` ====== * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Update connect client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.9 ``` ===== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.8 ``` ===== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] Update ds client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.7 ``` ===== * api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``organizations``: [``botocore``] Update organizations client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.6 ``` ===== * bugfix:Serialization: [``botocore``] Fixes `1557 <>`__. Fixed a regression in serialization where request bodies would be improperly encoded. * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] Update es client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Update rekognition client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.5 ``` ===== * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``elastictranscoder``: [``botocore``] Update elastictranscoder client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``elasticache``: [``botocore``] Update elasticache client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.4 ``` ===== * enhancement:s3: [``botocore``] Adds encoding and decoding handlers for ListObjectsV2 `1552 <>`__ * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Update polly client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.3 ``` ===== * api-change:``ses``: [``botocore``] Update ses client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``fms``: [``botocore``] Update fms client to latest version * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Update connect client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.2 ``` ===== * api-change:``opsworkscm``: [``botocore``] Update opsworkscm client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.1 ``` ===== * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``cloudhsmv2``: [``botocore``] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.9.0 ``` ===== * api-change:``logs``: [``botocore``] Update logs client to latest version * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * feature:Events: [``botocore``] This migrates the event system to using sevice ids instead of either client name or endpoint prefix. This prevents issues that might arise when a service changes their endpoint prefix, also fixes a long-standing bug where you could not register an event to a particular service if it happened to share its endpoint prefix with another service (e.g. ``autoscaling`` and ``application-autoscaling`` both use the endpoint prefix ``autoscaling``). Please see the `upgrade notes <>`_ to determine if you are impacted and how to proceed if you are. * feature:Events: This migrates the event system to using sevice ids instead of either client name or endpoint prefix. This prevents issues that might arise when a service changes their endpoint prefix, also fixes a long-standing bug where you could not register an event to a particular service if it happened to share its endpoint prefix with another service (e.g. ``autoscaling`` and ``application-autoscaling`` both use the endpoint prefix ``autoscaling``). Please see the `upgrade notes <>`_ to determine if you are impacted and how to proceed if you are. ``` ### 1.8.9 ``` ===== * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version * api-change:``codecommit``: [``botocore``] Update codecommit client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.8 ``` ===== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version * api-change:``elb``: [``botocore``] Update elb client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.7 ``` ===== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Update rekognition client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.6 ``` ===== * api-change:``waf-regional``: [``botocore``] Update waf-regional client to latest version * api-change:``waf``: [``botocore``] Update waf client to latest version * api-change:``eks``: [``botocore``] Update eks client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.5 ``` ===== * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * bugfix:signing: [``botocore``] Fix an issue where mixed endpoint casing could cause a SigV4 signature mismatch. ``` ### 1.8.4 ``` ===== * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker-runtime``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker-runtime client to latest version * api-change:``mediapackage``: [``botocore``] Update mediapackage client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.3 ``` ===== * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``xray``: [``botocore``] Update xray client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.2 ``` ===== * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``signer``: [``botocore``] Update signer client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update iotanalytics client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.1 ``` ===== * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.8.0 ``` ===== * api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] Update events client to latest version * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Update cognito-idp client to latest version * feature:urllib3: [``botocore``] The vendored version of requests and urllib3 are no longer being used and botocore now has a direct dependency on newer versions of upstream urllib3. ``` ### 1.7.84 ``` ====== * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Update rekognition client to latest version * api-change:``lex-models``: [``botocore``] Update lex-models client to latest version * api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update iotanalytics client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.83 ``` ====== * api-change:``snowball``: [``botocore``] Update snowball client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.82 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``dlm``: [``botocore``] Update dlm client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: [``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.81 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.80 ``` ====== * api-change:``dax``: [``botocore``] Update dax client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.79 ``` ====== * api-change:``discovery``: [``botocore``] Update discovery client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.78 ``` ====== * api-change:``devicefarm``: [``botocore``] Update devicefarm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.77 ``` ====== * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] Update es client to latest version * api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update autoscaling client to latest version * api-change:``cloudfront``: [``botocore``] Update cloudfront client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.76 ``` ====== * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.75 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.74 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``dax``: [``botocore``] Update dax client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.73 ``` ====== * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.72 ``` ====== * api-change:``logs``: [``botocore``] Update logs client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``pinpoint``: [``botocore``] Update pinpoint client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.71 ``` ====== * api-change:``health``: [``botocore``] Update health client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.70 ``` ====== * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.69 ``` ====== * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Update polly client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``kinesis``: [``botocore``] Update kinesis client to latest version * api-change:``resource-groups``: [``botocore``] Update resource-groups client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.68 ``` ====== * api-change:``storagegateway``: [``botocore``] Update storagegateway client to latest version * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Update transcribe client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.67 ``` ====== * api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] Update kms client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] Update es client to latest version * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Update connect client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.66 ``` ====== * api-change:``directconnect``: [``botocore``] Update directconnect client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``cloudhsmv2``: [``botocore``] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``mq``: [``botocore``] Update mq client to latest version * enhancment:Timestamp Serialization: [``botocore``] Support explicit timestamp serialization per timestamp shape. * api-change:``glacier``: [``botocore``] Update glacier client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.65 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``greengrass``: [``botocore``] Update greengrass client to latest version * api-change:``inspector``: [``botocore``] Update inspector client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.64 ``` ====== * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.63 ``` ====== * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.62 ``` ====== * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * api-change:``dlm``: [``botocore``] Update dlm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.61 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediapackage``: [``botocore``] Update mediapackage client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.60 ``` ====== * api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update iotanalytics client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.59 ``` ====== * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Update polly client to latest version * api-change:``comprehend``: [``botocore``] Update comprehend client to latest version * api-change:``snowball``: [``botocore``] Update snowball client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.58 ``` ====== * api-change:``kinesisvideo``: [``botocore``] Update kinesisvideo client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``kinesis-video-archived-media``: [``botocore``] Update kinesis-video-archived-media client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.57 ``` ====== * api-change:``iam``: [``botocore``] Update iam client to latest version * api-change:``dlm``: [``botocore``] Update dlm client to latest version * api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Update appsync client to latest version * api-change:``efs``: [``botocore``] Update efs client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] Update emr client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.56 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.55 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``opsworks``: [``botocore``] Update opsworks client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.54 ``` ====== * api-change:``application-autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.53 ``` ====== * api-change:``application-autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Update lambda client to latest version * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Update dms client to latest version * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Update transcribe client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.52 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``serverlessrepo``: [``botocore``] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.51 ``` ====== * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``pinpoint``: [``botocore``] Update pinpoint client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.50 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.49 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.48 ``` ====== * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: [``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version * api-change:``storagegateway``: [``botocore``] Update storagegateway client to latest version * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Update lambda client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.47 ``` ====== * api-change:``cloudfront``: [``botocore``] Update cloudfront client to latest version * api-change:``comprehend``: [``botocore``] Update comprehend client to latest version * api-change:``codepipeline``: [``botocore``] Update codepipeline client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * enhancement:StreamingResponses: [``botocore``] Add ``iter_lines()`` and ``iter_chunks()`` to streaming responses (`1195 <>`__) ``` ### 1.7.46 ``` ====== * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``inspector``: [``botocore``] Update inspector client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.45 ``` ====== * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.44 ``` ====== * api-change:``clouddirectory``: [``botocore``] Update clouddirectory client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.43 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``macie``: [``botocore``] Update macie client to latest version * api-change:``neptune``: [``botocore``] Update neptune client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.42 ``` ====== * api-change:``acm-pca``: [``botocore``] Update acm-pca client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.41 ``` ====== * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Update rekognition client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.40 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.39 ``` ====== * api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update iotanalytics client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.38 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``servicecatalog``: [``botocore``] Update servicecatalog client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.37 ``` ====== * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``devicefarm``: [``botocore``] Update devicefarm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.36 ``` ====== * api-change:``storagegateway``: [``botocore``] Update storagegateway client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``clouddirectory``: [``botocore``] Update clouddirectory client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.35 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediatailor``: [``botocore``] Update mediatailor client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.34 ``` ====== * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.33 ``` ====== * api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Update polly client to latest version * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``shield``: [``botocore``] Update shield client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.32 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``mgh``: [``botocore``] Update mgh client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``eks``: [``botocore``] Update eks client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.31 ``` ====== * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] Update ds client to latest version * api-change:``mediatailor``: [``botocore``] Update mediatailor client to latest version * api-change:``sns``: [``botocore``] Update sns client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.30 ``` ====== * api-change:``neptune``: [``botocore``] Update neptune client to latest version * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.29 ``` ====== * api-change:``pi``: [``botocore``] Update pi client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.28 ``` ====== * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.27 ``` ====== * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.26 ``` ====== * api-change:``inspector``: [``botocore``] Update inspector client to latest version * enhancement:Credentials: [``botocore``] Disable proxy configuration when fetching container credentials * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.25 ``` ====== * api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] Update cloudformation client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.24 ``` ====== * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``ses``: [``botocore``] Update ses client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.23 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Update cognito-idp client to latest version * api-change:``codedeploy``: [``botocore``] Update codedeploy client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.22 ``` ====== * api-change:``servicecatalog``: [``botocore``] Update servicecatalog client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.21 ``` ====== * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.20 ``` ====== * api-change:``organizations``: [``botocore``] Update organizations client to latest version * api-change:``iot1click-devices``: [``botocore``] Update iot1click-devices client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``iot1click-projects``: [``botocore``] Update iot1click-projects client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.19 ``` ====== * api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] Update firehose client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.18 ``` ====== * api-change:``gamelift``: [``botocore``] Update gamelift client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.17 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Update budgets client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.16 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.15 ``` ====== * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Update budgets client to latest version * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] Update es client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.14 ``` ====== * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Update guardduty client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.13 ``` ====== * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Update appsync client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.12 ``` ====== * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version * api-change:``codepipeline``: [``botocore``] Update codepipeline client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.11 ``` ====== * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Update guardduty client to latest version * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version * api-change:``route53domains``: [``botocore``] Update route53domains client to latest version * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Update workspaces client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.10 ``` ====== * api-change:``glacier``: [``botocore``] Update glacier client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.9 ``` ===== * api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] Update rekognition client to latest version * api-change:``xray``: [``botocore``] Update xray client to latest version * api-change:``codedeploy``: [``botocore``] Update codedeploy client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.8 ``` ===== * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: [``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.7 ``` ===== * api-change:``iotanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update iotanalytics client to latest version * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``autoscaling-plans``: [``botocore``] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.6 ``` ===== * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version * api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] Update firehose client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.5 ``` ===== * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version * api-change:``codepipeline``: [``botocore``] Update codepipeline client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``devicefarm``: [``botocore``] Update devicefarm client to latest version * bugfix:dynamodb: Fixes a bug causing dynamodb operations with no output to throw errors. ``` ### 1.7.4 ``` ===== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``workmail``: [``botocore``] Update workmail client to latest version * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Update dms client to latest version * api-change:``mediapackage``: [``botocore``] Update mediapackage client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.3 ``` ===== * api-change:``clouddirectory``: [``botocore``] Update clouddirectory client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.2 ``` ===== * api-change:``batch``: [``botocore``] Update batch client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` ===== * enhancement:shield: [``botocore``] Added paginator for list_protections operation. * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ===== * api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Update transcribe client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``acm-pca``: [``botocore``] Update acm-pca client to latest version * api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version * feature:s3: Add support for S3 Select. Amazon S3 Select is an Amazon S3 feature that makes it easy to retrieve specific data from the contents of an object using simple SQL expressions without having to retrieve the entire object. With this release of the Amazon S3 SDK, S3 Select API (SelectObjectContent) is now generally available in all public regions. This release supports retrieval of a subset of data using SQL clauses, like SELECT and WHERE, from delimited text files and JSON objects in Amazon S3 through the SelectObjectContent API available in AWS S3 SDK. * api-change:``fms``: [``botocore``] Update fms client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.23 ``` ====== * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Update lambda client to latest version * api-change:``devicefarm``: [``botocore``] Update devicefarm client to latest version * api-change:``translate``: [``botocore``] Update translate client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.22 ``` ====== * api-change:``cloudfront``: [``botocore``] Update cloudfront client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version * api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] Update es client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.21 ``` ====== * api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Update connect client to latest version * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.20 ``` ====== * api-change:``greengrass``: [``botocore``] Update greengrass client to latest version * api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] Update cloudformation client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.19 ``` ====== * api-change:``mturk``: [``botocore``] Update mturk client to latest version * api-change:``sts``: [``botocore``] Update sts client to latest version * api-change:``iam``: [``botocore``] Update iam client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.18 ``` ====== * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.17 ``` ====== * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version * bugfix:``s3``: [``botocore``] Fix bug where invalid head_object requests would cause an infinite loop (alternate fix to `1400 <>`__) ``` ### 1.6.16 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.15 ``` ====== * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.14 ``` ====== * bugfix:``s3``: [``botocore``] Fix regression in redirects in using wrong region ``` ### 1.6.13 ``` ====== * bugfix:s3: [``botocore``] Fixed a bug where head object and bucket calls would attempt redirects incorrectly. * api-change:``serverlessrepo``: [``botocore``] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.12 ``` ====== * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version * enhancement:Credentials: [``botocore``] Add the ability to disable fetching credentials from EC2 metadata by setting the environment variable AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED to 'true'. * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: [``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version * bugfix:Credentials: [``botocore``] Fix a race condition related to assuming a role for the first time (`1405 <>`__) * api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] Update events client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.11 ``` ====== * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: [``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.10 ``` ====== * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version * api-change:``organizations``: [``botocore``] Update organizations client to latest version * api-change:``pinpoint``: [``botocore``] Update pinpoint client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.9 ``` ===== * api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] Update lightsail client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.8 ``` ===== * api-change:``servicediscovery``: [``botocore``] Update servicediscovery client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.7 ``` ===== * api-change:``cloudhsmv2``: [``botocore``] Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version * api-change:``discovery``: [``botocore``] Update discovery client to latest version * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] Update redshift client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.6 ``` ===== * api-change:``pinpoint``: [``botocore``] Update pinpoint client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``mgh``: [``botocore``] Update mgh client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.5 ``` ===== * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.4 ``` ===== * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.3 ``` ===== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``servicecatalog``: [``botocore``] Update servicecatalog client to latest version * api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] Update events client to latest version * api-change:``storagegateway``: [``botocore``] Update storagegateway client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.2 ``` ===== * api-change:``application-autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.1 ``` ===== * api-change:``ecr``: [``botocore``] Update ecr client to latest version ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` ===== * enhancement:Stubber: [``botocore``] Added the ability to add items to response metadata with the stubber. * api-change:``sts``: [``botocore``] Update sts client to latest version * api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Update route53 client to latest version * feature:``s3``: [``botocore``] Default to virtual hosted addressing regardless of signature version (boto/botocore`1387 <>`__) ``` ### 1.5.36 ``` ====== * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.35 ``` ====== * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version * api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.34 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``serverlessrepo``: [``botocore``] Update serverlessrepo client to latest version * api-change:``codecommit``: [``botocore``] Update codecommit client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.33 ``` ====== * api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update autoscaling client to latest version * api-change:``waf-regional``: [``botocore``] Update waf-regional client to latest version * api-change:``waf``: [``botocore``] Update waf client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.32 ``` ====== * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.31 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.30 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``gamelift``: [``botocore``] Update gamelift client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.29 ``` ====== * api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Update appsync client to latest version * api-change:``lex-models``: [``botocore``] Update lex-models client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.28 ``` ====== * api-change:``glacier``: [``botocore``] Update glacier client to latest version * api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Update route53 client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.27 ``` ====== * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Update guardduty client to latest version * api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Update cognito-idp client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] Update kms client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.26 ``` ====== * api-change:``lex-runtime``: [``botocore``] Update lex-runtime client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``lex-models``: [``botocore``] Update lex-models client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.25 ``` ====== * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] Update ds client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Update budgets client to latest version * api-change:``gamelift``: [``botocore``] Update gamelift client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Update dynamodb client to latest version * api-change:``dms``: [``botocore``] Update dms client to latest version * api-change:``mediastore``: [``botocore``] Update mediastore client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.24 ``` ====== * api-change:``servicediscovery``: [``botocore``] Update servicediscovery client to latest version * api-change:``servicecatalog``: [``botocore``] Update servicecatalog client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.23 ``` ====== * api-change:``cloud9``: [``botocore``] Update cloud9 client to latest version * api-change:``acm``: [``botocore``] Update acm client to latest version * api-change:``kinesis``: [``botocore``] Update kinesis client to latest version * api-change:``opsworks``: [``botocore``] Update opsworks client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.22 ``` ====== * api-change:``mturk``: [``botocore``] Update mturk client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version * api-change:``devicefarm``: [``botocore``] Update devicefarm client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.21 ``` ====== * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Update lambda client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: [``botocore``] Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version * bugfix:Presign: [``botocore``] Fix issue where some events were not fired during the presigning of a request thus not including a variety of customizations (`1340 <>`__) * enhancement:Credentials: [``botocore``] Improved error message when the source profile for an assume role is misconfigured. Fixes aws/aws-cli`2763 <>`__ * api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Update guardduty client to latest version * enhancment:Paginator: [``botocore``] Added paginators for a number of services where the result key is unambiguous. ``` ### 1.5.20 ``` ====== * api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] Update budgets client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.19 ``` ====== * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``transcribe``: [``botocore``] Update transcribe client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.18 ``` ====== * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.17 ``` ====== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``autoscaling-plans``: [``botocore``] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.16 ``` ====== * api-change:``application-autoscaling``: [``botocore``] Update application-autoscaling client to latest version * api-change:``autoscaling-plans``: [``botocore``] Update autoscaling-plans client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.15 ``` ====== * api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Update lambda client to latest version * enhancement:cloudformation get_template template body ordering: [``botocore``] fixes boto/boto3`1378 <>`__ ``` ### 1.5.14 ``` ====== * api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.13 ``` ====== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``elb``: [``botocore``] Update elb client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.12 ``` ====== * api-change:``kms``: [``botocore``] Update kms client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.11 ``` ====== * api-change:``ds``: [``botocore``] Update ds client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.10 ``` ====== * api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Update route53 client to latest version * api-change:``discovery``: [``botocore``] Update discovery client to latest version * api-change:``codedeploy``: [``botocore``] Update codedeploy client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.9 ``` ===== * api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``inspector``: [``botocore``] Update inspector client to latest version * api-change:``snowball``: [``botocore``] Update snowball client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.8 ``` ===== * api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.7 ``` ===== * api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Update workspaces client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.6 ``` ===== * api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``inspector``: [``botocore``] Update inspector client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.5 ``` ===== * api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Update ec2 client to latest version * enhancement:Paginator: [``botocore``] Added paginator support for lambda list aliases operation. * api-change:``kinesisanalytics``: [``botocore``] Update kinesisanalytics client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Update codebuild client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.4 ``` ===== * api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Update config client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.3 ``` ===== * api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Update route53 client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version * api-change:``mediastore-data``: [``botocore``] Update mediastore-data client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.2 ``` ===== * bugfix:presigned-url: [``botocore``] Fixes a bug where content-type would be set on presigned requests for query services. * api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` ===== * api-change:``appstream``: [``botocore``] Update appstream client to latest version ``` ### 1.5.0 ``` ===== * bugfix:Filters: Fixes a bug where parameters passed to resource collections could be mutated after the collections were created. * api-change:``ses``: [``botocore``] Update ses client to latest version * enhancement:credentials: [``botocore``] Moved the JSONFileCache from the CLI into botocore so that it can be used without importing from the cli. * feature:``botocore`` dependency: Update dependency strategy to always take a floor on the most recent version of ``botocore``. This means whenever there is a release of ``botocore``, ``boto3`` will release as well to account for the new version of ``botocore``. * api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Update apigateway client to latest version ``` ### 1.4.8 ``` ===== * enhancement:``botocore``: Raised minor version dependency for botocore ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update botocore from 1.7.36 to 1.12.14.

Changelog ### 1.12.14 ``` ======= * api-change:``codestar``: Update codestar client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.13 ``` ======= * api-change:``mq``: Update mq client to latest version * api-change:``apigateway``: Update apigateway client to latest version * enhancement:Event: Add the `before-send` event which allows finalized requests to be inspected before being sent across the wire and allows for custom responses to be returned. * api-change:``codecommit``: Update codecommit client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.12 ``` ======= * api-change:``sqs``: Update sqs client to latest version * api-change:``glue``: Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``opsworkscm``: Update opsworkscm client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.11 ``` ======= * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``cloudfront``: Update cloudfront client to latest version * api-change:``ds``: Update ds client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.10 ``` ======= * api-change:``connect``: Update connect client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.9 ``` ====== * api-change:``mediaconvert``: Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.8 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``ds``: Update ds client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.7 ``` ====== * api-change:``cloudwatch``: Update cloudwatch client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``organizations``: Update organizations client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.6 ``` ====== * bugfix:Serialization: Fixes `1557 <>`__. Fixed a regression in serialization where request bodies would be improperly encoded. * api-change:``es``: Update es client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: Update rekognition client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.5 ``` ====== * api-change:``codebuild``: Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``elastictranscoder``: Update elastictranscoder client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: Update ecs client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``cloudwatch``: Update cloudwatch client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``elasticache``: Update elasticache client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.4 ``` ====== * enhancement:s3: Adds encoding and decoding handlers for ListObjectsV2 `1552 <>`__ * api-change:``polly``: Update polly client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.3 ``` ====== * api-change:``ses``: Update ses client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``fms``: Update fms client to latest version * api-change:``connect``: Update connect client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.2 ``` ====== * api-change:``opsworkscm``: Update opsworkscm client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.1 ``` ====== * api-change:``redshift``: Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``cloudhsmv2``: Update cloudhsmv2 client to latest version ``` ### 1.12.0 ``` ====== * api-change:``logs``: Update logs client to latest version * api-change:``config``: Update config client to latest version * feature:Events: This migrates the event system to using sevice ids instead of either client name or endpoint prefix. This prevents issues that might arise when a service changes their endpoint prefix, also fixes a long-standing bug where you could not register an event to a particular service if it happened to share its endpoint prefix with another service (e.g. ``autoscaling`` and ``application-autoscaling`` both use the endpoint prefix ``autoscaling``). Please see the `upgrade notes <>`_ to determine if you are impacted and how to proceed if you are. ``` ### 1.11.9 ``` ====== * api-change:``apigateway``: Update apigateway client to latest version * api-change:``codecommit``: Update codecommit client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.8 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``s3``: Update s3 client to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: Update appstream client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: Update dynamodb client to latest version * api-change:``elb``: Update elb client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.7 ``` ====== * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: Update rekognition client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.6 ``` ====== * api-change:``waf-regional``: Update waf-regional client to latest version * api-change:``waf``: Update waf client to latest version * api-change:``eks``: Update eks client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.5 ``` ====== * api-change:``codebuild``: Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: Update sagemaker client to latest version * bugfix:signing: Fix an issue where mixed endpoint casing could cause a SigV4 signature mismatch. ``` ### 1.11.4 ``` ====== * api-change:``glue``: Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker-runtime``: Update sagemaker-runtime client to latest version * api-change:``mediapackage``: Update mediapackage client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.3 ``` ====== * api-change:``glue``: Update glue client to latest version * api-change:``xray``: Update xray client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.2 ``` ====== * api-change:``iot``: Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``signer``: Update signer client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``iotanalytics``: Update iotanalytics client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.1 ``` ====== * api-change:``glue``: Update glue client to latest version ``` ### 1.11.0 ``` ====== * api-change:``events``: Update events client to latest version * api-change:``cognito-idp``: Update cognito-idp client to latest version * feature:urllib3: The vendored version of requests and urllib3 are no longer being used and botocore now has a direct dependency on newer versions of upstream urllib3. ``` ### 1.10.84 ``` ======= * api-change:``iot``: Update iot client to latest version * api-change:``rekognition``: Update rekognition client to latest version * api-change:``lex-models``: Update lex-models client to latest version * api-change:``iotanalytics``: Update iotanalytics client to latest version * api-change:``medialive``: Update medialive client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.83 ``` ======= * api-change:``snowball``: Update snowball client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.82 ``` ======= * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``dlm``: Update dlm client to latest version * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``elasticbeanstalk``: Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.81 ``` ======= * api-change:``mediaconvert``: Update mediaconvert client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.80 ``` ======= * api-change:``dax``: Update dax client to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.79 ``` ======= * api-change:``discovery``: Update discovery client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``redshift``: Update redshift client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.78 ``` ======= * api-change:``devicefarm``: Update devicefarm client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.77 ``` ======= * api-change:``es``: Update es client to latest version * api-change:``autoscaling``: Update autoscaling client to latest version * api-change:``cloudfront``: Update cloudfront client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.76 ``` ======= * api-change:``sagemaker``: Update sagemaker client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.75 ``` ======= * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``mediaconvert``: Update mediaconvert client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.74 ``` ======= * api-change:``rds``: Update rds client to latest version * api-change:``dax``: Update dax client to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: Update ecs client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.73 ``` ======= * api-change:``secretsmanager``: Update secretsmanager client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.72 ``` ======= * api-change:``logs``: Update logs client to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: Update codebuild client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 client to latest version * api-change:``pinpoint``: Update pinpoint client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.71 ``` ======= * api-change:``health``: Update health client to latest version * api-change:``dynamodb``: Update dynamodb client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.70 ``` ======= * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: Update alexaforbusiness client to latest version ``` ### 1.10.69 ``` ======= * api-change:``polly``: Update polly client to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm client to latest version * api-change:``kinesis``: Update kinesis cl
pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Closing this in favor of #81