AikoMidori / TeamSpeak-5-Dark

A Dark Skin for TeamSpeak 5 Client
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is it possible to change client name color? #4

Open CryRocks opened 1 year ago

CryRocks commented 1 year ago


i wanna know if i can change the textcolor from client names somehow? since i changed the background and made it to show in channel tree and in some places its white text on white/bright background.

I did some testing but couldn't figure out a way to do it. Would appreciate the help! :)

qeinz commented 1 year ago

could you provide a screenshot?

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

sure, on the third user, you can see it the most


qeinz commented 1 year ago

ahh i see, i think the best way is, if you go into debug mode and look into ur browser, than look for the element name, so you can change the color on the code

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

yeah thats what i already tried, but didn't really found a way to do it

qeinz commented 1 year ago
  look into the css file 

--name-color: var(--white) !important;


qeinz commented 1 year ago

change the --white color i think

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

yeah, i already changed that to red for example but it doesn't change the name color not sure why

qeinz commented 1 year ago
/* name color */
.ts-server-tree-item-leaf.client, .ts-server-tree-item-leaf.client.self {
    color: var(--name-color) !important;

look for this

qeinz commented 1 year ago

im using the darkNue.css

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

and it changes the client name color for you if you edit them? since i changed it directly to a color and it doesn't change anything, tried the var nothing happens the client names are still white

i guess this: grafik is overwriting them or something else idk

qeinz commented 1 year ago

yea i think you have to change this, lets have a look in debug console in browser, there you can see more info, got no time rn

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

so i have to deactivate the first color stuff, wich i showed in my last message and then i also have to deactivate --text-color to even get the --name-color to work on only names


qeinz commented 1 year ago

yes, unfortunately the code behind is written a bit "funny"....

CryRocks commented 1 year ago

yeah i see it

got it to work now, thanks! now i just have to find a good color wich is readable and stays that way on darker/brighter background.. and match the purple theme i guess

(i also had to edit a couple of other elements, since some had a weird color after i removed both text and the option above, like text sender in chat had a green name, every normal white color was gray etc.)

grafik even got it to work with a nice little glow effekt, now its readable :D

qeinz commented 1 year ago

great work!

hope we will see an update on this theme soon.... there are so many bugs....