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[SUGGESTION] Various forms of integration with Balkon's Weapons #15

Open Sunconure11 opened 1 week ago

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

There's already an addon that adds support for Thaumcraft and Botania, but you could get away with other mods support.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

There's already an addon that adds support for Thaumcraft and Botania, but you could get away with other mods support.

Sure, what do you suggest adding? This is the first time I've seen this mod, so I'm a little confused about what needs to be added to make it funny.

Standard gentleman's set - Sunstone alloy [knife, battleaxe, katana, flail, spear boomerang, halberd, hammer, musket with bayonet]? (But it's a little boring, and my addon doesn’t particularly follow the philosophy of add another metal and be cool)

Or maybe some more crazy shit like manacannons for example?

And since this is an AM2 addon, I can only add content based around AM2 within this project.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

Standard gentleman’s set for synergy and some crazy shit, like mana cannons

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Standard gentleman’s set for synergy and some crazy shit, like mana cannons

Dude :D Whatever makes you happy.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

You could also do some stuff with Blood Magic, perhaps, since you do have some compat with that. Gentleman's suite (bound weapons) there plus some crazy stuff, again, like with the AM2 stuff

Crazy stuff for Thaumcraft and Botania could be added if the respective mods are installed along with Expanded Armory.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

You could also do some stuff with Blood Magic, perhaps, since you do have some compat with that. Gentleman's suite (bound weapons) there plus some crazy stuff, again, like with the AM2 stuff

Crazy stuff for Thaumcraft and Botania could be added if the respective mods are installed along with Expanded Armory.

It's AM2 addon. Feels kinda wrong adding [blood magic]&[balkons-weaponmod] integration in [arsmagica2] addon. Everything I'm done so far with blood magic is some shitty recpies for blood runes from am2 items and some useless sigil, bound book and such dumb things, but it's related to am2.

Let me explain my opinion: I’m not saying that I can’t or don’t want to, the idea is cool for sure, but imagine the face of a person who, let’s say, played on some kind of modpack, and he likes (I doubt it, but let’s say) new bound weapons. If he wanted to create a modpack with only Balkon's Weapons, Blood Magic and just add these tools, not only will it be a drop-dead funny surprise for him to find out which mod actually adds these things, but he will also have to install AM2, which he may not need at all in modpack (am2 is kinda... you know... ~bullshit~ not for everyone). Sounds crazy. The most logical thing to do is to extend ExpandedArmory, since it makes more sense. Get on the path of a Necromancer and make a fork or something? Although I really don't want to bother posting this on mod sites since I'm more focused on the AM2PG next update rn, I could definitely just fork, shit content out and leave it lying in the darks of the internet.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Crazy stuff for Thaumcraft and Botania could be added if the respective mods are installed along with Expanded Armory.

And I’m also not that creative to come up with something funny every time someone asks me to create something. Skill issue, for sure, but that's my sad reality. So, no matter how arrogant it may sound, I would like you to at least come up with the ideas of content you want me to add.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

Well, I'm devising some ideas of my own for my own addon but hmm... perhaps you could use them here.


Primal Crossbow Bolts - Crossbows are powerful and all, but what if you could add more oomph to them? By using the same tactics used to make primal arrows, you can make primal crossbow bolts. You are wondering if other forms of ammo can be improved, such as bullets.

Primal Rounds - So it seems your hunch was right, you can create primal variants of blunderbuss and musket rounds. With the destructive potential of firearms behind them already, you wonder if you could make other new rounds already.

Primal Blowgun Darts - Sometimes, some things only work on paper. It is kind of hilarious to watch someone get ignited from ignis-imbued darts, though.

Primal Cannonballs - Your Thaumaturges Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should.

Wand Focus: Corrosion - Rapidly corrodes armor on a target, but deals no physical damage to the target. However, this focus is very good at combating heavily armored targets, and even destroying their armor.

Wand Focus: Mend - While some of the armor and tools you have created can self repair, what if you could repair it faster, or give repairs to others? The target of this wand focus depends on who you are looking at. If you aren’t looking at anyone, it repairs your armor and tools. If you are looking at someone else, it will repair their armor and tools. Usage can easily drain a wand, though, and uses all forms of primal vis to repair, so if even say, you are lacking in ordo, you won’t be able to repair armor.

Wand Focus: Pacify - Temporarily pacifies any mob struck with this for a small period of time. Bosses are unaffected. Tamed animals have a chance of resisting. Constructs like golems are unaffected.

Wand Focus: Cleanse - Not the most useful focus, but you devised it anyways should you screw up with dying specific items. This focus lets you return any dyeable item back to their default coloration. I.e. wool blocks become white, leather becomes tan, etc

Flying Carpet - A flying rug. Based off of the old TC2 one.

Dirty Rounds - Research gleaned from Primal Rounds has shown that far less… conventional rounds are possible. Whether these are ethical to use, or even safe at all, is another matter. It seems applying some tainted matter to rounds allows the bullet to act as a source of taint, and adding pieces of void metal acts as a source of warp.

Hymn of Harmony - Device that pacifies nearby animals and neutral mobs. Bosses and monsters are unaffected, as are constructs.

Armor Augmentation: Intangibility - Allows one to temporarily go through walls and mobs, but requires vis on the player in some form to keep on running. Any armor can receive this augmentation, but it must be done through infusion. Furthermore, the intangibility must be activated, via a click of a button. If the intangibility runs out while a player is in a block, they will die.

Willbreaker Mace - A demonic face is engraved into this mace, anything struck with it gets health and, if it exists, vis drained from them and put on you. There is a random chance of also slowing a victim down. However, the more this is used, the more random warp you get. You hear voices from it…

I do have a doc for all of these ideas, but it is not complete, as I want to tackle ideas for other magic mods, so for now, it is mostly Thaumcraft-dominated. I am merely sending you some things that would not require other dependencies I have not documented here.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

Furthermore, should you not end up doing any Balkon's Weapons compat, I will take it up myself, even if it just boils down to a suite of weapons for said mods in some cases, as I am trying to bridge several magic mods and some dimension mods and some misc mods for a plan of my own.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Well, I'm devising some ideas of my own for my own addon but hmm... perhaps you could use them here.

This really sounds like a separate addon. I feel stupid because I don’t understand why I need information about an addon for Thaumcraft that is not related to AM2. Do you want me to create a separate addon from this or what? (plz no?)

Wand Focus: Corrosion - Rapidly corrodes armor on a target, but deals no physical damage to the target. However, this focus is very good at combating heavily armored targets, and even destroying their armor.

Wand Focus: Mend - While some of the armor and tools you have created can self repair, what if you could repair it faster, or give repairs to others? The target of this wand focus depends on who you are looking at. If you aren’t looking at anyone, it repairs your armor and tools. If you are looking at someone else, it will repair their armor and tools. Usage can easily drain a wand, though, and uses all forms of primal vis to repair, so if even say, you are lacking in ordo, you won’t be able to repair armor.

You won't believe me, but... I think I've already done it. Well, through the ass, of course, but I think I did. Wand Focus: Spell allows you to cast any spell via vis. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand spell part (Melt Armor) / (Repair), guess what? And yeah, the best part of it - you can combine spell with Wand Focus: Spell and literally have focus that can repair armor & tools/melt armor/delete inventories/teleport you to DivineRPG dimensions or whatever.

Wand Focus: Cleanse - Not the most useful focus, but you devised it anyways should you screw up with dying specific items. This focus lets you return any dyeable item back to their default coloration. I.e. wool blocks become white, leather becomes tan, etc

I'm currently planning opposite thing (Imagine bombing your friend house with strokes of paint) as a spell component. I really don’t know if I’ll get around to it.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Furthermore, should you not end up doing any Balkon's Weapons compat, I will take it up myself, even if it just boils down to a suite of weapons for said mods in some cases, as I am trying to bridge several magic mods and some dimension mods and some misc mods for a plan of my own.

It makes sense for me to only use AM2/AM2PG content, because my addon focusing on extending AM2 content. Extending other mod's content is other addon's task, that's seems consistent for me.

If you need me to make separate addon, just say so.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

Yeah, you're probably right this is better as a separate addon. Although the idea is still not done. I will contact you when I feel the idea is fleshed out enough. But basically, this idea will allow for integration with various mods, basically a Forbidden Magic-type mod.

Do you have a Discord or anything I can join/add for use in such?

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

I am planning AM2 content in it, I just haven't thought of anything, of note.

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Yeah, you're probably right this is better as a separate addon. Although the idea is still not done. I will contact you when I feel the idea is fleshed out enough. But basically, this idea will allow for integration with various mods, basically a Forbidden Magic-type mod.

Do you have a Discord or anything I can join/add for use in such?

Sure, check curseforge DM's. However my discord is not public domain, I don’t like when lots of people spam me. The addon didn’t fire for some reason, so it doesn’t have a discord server or anything, and I don’t think it will.

Sunconure11 commented 1 week ago

Curse fucked up the link

AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

Curse fucked up the link


AirBurn0 commented 1 week ago

In short, one way or another, integration with Balkon's Weapons will be; But not today or tomorrow, first I’ll add another ton of crap for AM2, and then will start implementing AE2 integration that no one asked for and which no one fucking cares, but I'll spend N hours on it.