AirLabsTeam / react-native-aws-cognito-js

React Native AWS Cognito JS SDK
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RNAWSCognito undefined, and computeModPow is not a function #3

Closed kangks closed 7 years ago

kangks commented 7 years ago

I encountered undefined error when evaluating RNAWSCognito.computeModPow() in AuthenticationHelper.js, resolved by removing the {},


const { RNAWSCognito } = NativeModules;


const RNAWSCognito = NativeModules;

But now I encountered RNAWSCognito.computeModPow is not a function. Which dependency do I need for iOS?

jmparsons commented 7 years ago

@kangks Did you link the project? react-native link

kangks commented 7 years ago

It works in a totally new project. Probably I screwed up something in the old project. Thanks!

kibagateaux commented 7 years ago

Running react-native link fixed this issue for me.