AirVPN / Eddie

UI/CLI for OpenVPN/WireGuard
GNU General Public License v3.0
354 stars 77 forks source link

Eddie Crashes my MacOS system when I disconnect and close it. #117

Open NathanBlais opened 3 years ago

NathanBlais commented 3 years ago

This happened to me every time I disconnect, close, or both. Here is the Problem Report generated by Mac OS

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff801bd64a25): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 180 seconds
  service returned not alive with context : unresponsive work processor(s): remoted heartbeat on bridge 
  service:, total successful checkins since load (175972 seconds ago): 17598, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
  service:, total successful checkins since load (175942 seconds ago): 17594, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
  service:, total successful checkins since load (175972 seconds ago): 17577, last successful checkin: 180 seconds ago

  Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
  0xffffffa14ccbb670 : 0xffffff8018abab4d 
  0xffffffa14ccbb6c0 : 0xffffff8018bfd7e3 
  0xffffffa14ccbb700 : 0xffffff8018bede1a 
  0xffffffa14ccbb750 : 0xffffff8018a5fa2f 
  0xffffffa14ccbb770 : 0xffffff8018aba3ed 
  0xffffffa14ccbb890 : 0xffffff8018aba6d8 
  0xffffffa14ccbb900 : 0xffffff80192bf004 
  0xffffffa14ccbb970 : 0xffffff801bd64a25 
  0xffffffa14ccbb980 : 0xffffff801bd64678 
  0xffffffa14ccbb9a0 : 0xffffff801924628e 
  0xffffffa14ccbb9f0 : 0xffffff801bd63ab4 
  0xffffffa14ccbbb20 : 0xffffff801925045b 
  0xffffffa14ccbbc80 : 0xffffff8018ba8e51 
  0xffffffa14ccbbd90 : 0xffffff8018ac0147 
  0xffffffa14ccbbe00 : 0xffffff8018a96905 
  0xffffffa14ccbbe60 : 0xffffff8018aae062 
  0xffffffa14ccbbef0 : 0xffffff8018bd1fc3 
  0xffffffa14ccbbfa0 : 0xffffff8018a60216 
        Kernel Extensions in backtrace:

  Process name corresponding to current thread: watchdogd
  Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

  Mac OS version:

  Kernel version:
  Darwin Kernel Version 20.3.0: Thu Jan 21 00:07:06 PST 2021; root:xnu-7195.81.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64
  Kernel UUID: C86236B2-4976-3542-80CA-74A6B8B4BA03
  KernelCache slide: 0x0000000018800000
  KernelCache base:  0xffffff8018a00000
  Kernel slide:      0x0000000018810000
  Kernel text base:  0xffffff8018a10000
  __HIB  text base: 0xffffff8018900000
  System model name: Macmini8,1 (Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C)
  System shutdown begun: NO
  Hibernation exit count: 0

  System uptime in nanoseconds: 175982592894424
  Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
    Uptime  : 0x0000a00e23efa9bb
    Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
    Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x000000085b092158 0x0000000000000000
  last started kext at 175328148487496: >usb.!UUserHCI  1 (addr 0xffffff7fb939f000, size 102400)
  last stopped kext at 175425042198158: >usb.!UUserHCI  1 (addr 0xffffff7fb939f000, size 102400)
  loaded kexts:
  @filesystems.smbfs    3.4.1
  >!APlatformEnabler    2.7.0d0
  >AGPM 119
  >X86PlatformShim  1.0.0
  @fileutil 20.036.15
  @filesystems.autofs   3.0
  >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy   6.2.2
  >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
  >!AMCCSControl    1.14
  @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 6.2.2
  >pmtelemetry  1
  >LuaHardwareAccess    1.0.16
  |IOUserEthernet   1.0.1
  >!ABridgeAudio!C  100.2
  |IO!BSerialManager    8.0.3d9
  @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X  7.0.0
  >!AHV 1
  >!A!IKBLGraphics  16.0.1
  >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer   16.0.1
  >!A!IPCHPMC   2.0.1
  >!ADiskImages2    1
  >BridgeAudioCommunication 100.2
  >!AGFXHDA 100.1.431
  >!AThunderboltIP  4.0.3
  >!AAVEBridge  6.1
  >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
  >usb.!UHostBillboardDevice    1.0
  >BCMWLANFirmware4378.Hashstore    1
  >BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore    1
  >BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore    1
  >BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore    1
  @filesystems.tmpfs    1
  @filesystems.hfs.kext 556.60.1
  @BootCache    40
  @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib  1.0.0
  @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless  1.0.0d1
  >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIeMac 1
  @filesystems.apfs 1677.81.1
  @private.KextAudit    1.0
  >!AACPIButtons    6.1
  >!ASMBIOS 2.1
  >!AACPIEC 6.1
  >!AAPIC   1.7
  @!ASystemPolicy   2.0.0
  @nke.applicationfirewall  310
  |IOKitRegistryCompatibility   1
  |EndpointSecurity 1
  @kext.triggers    1.0
  >!AGraphicsControl    6.2.2
  >!ASMBus!C    1.0.18d1
  |IOAVB!F  930.1
  >X86PlatformPlugin    1.0.0
  |IOAccelerator!F2 439.52
  >IOPlatformPlugin!F   6.0.0d8
  @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin  900.11
  |IOEthernetAVB!C  1.1.0
  |IONDRVSupport    585
  >!UAudio  401.4
  |IOAudio!F    300.6.1
  @vecLib.kext  1.2.0
  |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport  8.0.3d9
  |IO!BHost!CTransport  8.0.3d9
  @!AGPUWrangler    6.2.2
  @!AGraphicsDeviceControl  6.2.2
  |IOGraphics!F 585
  >!A!ILpssUARTv1   3.0.60
  >!A!ILpssUARTCommon   3.0.60
  >!AOnboardSerial  1.0
  |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
  >usb.!UHub    1.2
  >usb.cdc.ncm  5.0.0
  >usb.cdc  5.0.0
  >usb.networking   5.0.0
  >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice    1.2
  >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter  4.1.1
  >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 8.1.4
  >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 8.1.4
  >!AHPM    3.4.4
  >!A!ILpssI2C!C    3.0.60
  >!A!ILpssI2C  3.0.60
  >!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
  >!ABSDKextStarter 3
  |IOSurface    289.3
  @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext   1
  >!ABCMWLANCoreMac 1.0.0
  |IOSerial!F   11
  |IO80211!FV2  1200.12.2b1
  |IOSkywalk!F  1
  >IOImageLoader    1.0.0
  >corecapture  1.0.4
  |IOUSB!F  900.4.2
  >!AThunderboltNHI 7.2.8
  |IOThunderbolt!F  9.3.2
  >usb.!UVHCIBCE    1.2
  >usb.!UVHCICommonBCE  1.0
  >usb.!UVHCI   1.2
  >usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0
  >!AEffaceableNOR  1.0
  |IOBufferCopy!C   1.1.0
  |IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1
  |IONVMe!F 2.1.0
  >usb.!UXHCIPCI    1.2
  >usb.!UXHCI   1.2
  >!AEthernetAquantiaAqtion 1.0.64
  >mDNSOffloadUserClient    1.0.1b8
  >!AEFINVRAM   2.1
  >!AEFIRuntime 2.1
  >!ASMCRTC 1.0
  |IOSMBus!F    1.1
  |IOHID!F  2.0.0
  $!AImage4 3.0.0
  |IOTimeSync!F 900.11
  |IONetworking!F   3.4
  >DiskImages   493.0.0
  |IO!B!F   8.0.3d9
  |IOReport!F   47
  |IO!BPacketLogger 8.0.3d9
  $quarantine   4
  $sandbox  300.0
  @kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
  |CoreAnalytics!F  1
  >!ASSE    1.0
  >!AKeyStore   2
  >!UTDM    511.60.2
  |IOUSBMass!SDriver    184.40.6
  |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice    436.40.6
  |IO!S!F   2.1
  |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F    436.40.6
  >!AMobileFileIntegrity    1.0.5
  @kext.CoreTrust   1
  >!AFDEKeyStore    28.30
  >!AEffaceable!S   1.0
  >!ACredentialManager  1.0
  >KernelRelayHost  1
  |IOUSBHost!F  1.2
  >!UHostMergeProperties    1.2
  >usb.!UCommon 1.0
  >!ABusPower!C 1.0
  >!ASEPManager 1.0.1
  >IOSlaveProcessor 1
  >!AACPIPlatform   6.1
  >!ASMC    3.1.9
  |IOPCI!F  2.9
  |IOACPI!F 1.4
  >watchdog 1
  @kec.pthread  1
  @kec.corecrypto   11.1
  @kec.Libm 1
rprimus commented 3 years ago

Tue Apr 20 12:29:36 BST 2021

Thanks for posting!! I've had similar experiences, but only after some time (~ upto 60min) after disconnection.

Prior to a crash (if system is left long enough) , the TCP/IP stack gets into a strange state - networking effectively dies - requiring a reboot. eg A ping will hang:

NathanBlais commented 3 years ago

Ping hangs for me as well, but it only takes 5 min or less to crash my OS. I'm wondering if it has something outside of Eddie itself. I have a pihole I use as a DNS server and use Little Snitch to restrict traffic to trackers and other servers. Do you use any of these things or something similar?

rprimus commented 3 years ago

On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 03:44:51PM -0700, Nathan_Blais wrote:

Ping hangs for me as well, but it only takes 5 min or less to crash my OS. I'm wondering if it has something outside of Eddie itself. I have a pinhole I use as a DNS server and use Little Snitch to restrict traffic to trackers and other servers. Do you use any of these things or something similar?

Thu 22 Apr 2021 05:23:53 BST

I also use:

I recently had system crash when a guest Linux VM initialised its network stack.

I plan on testing with Eddie under the following (separate) conditions:

ping hangs when using IP addresses, so I don't think DNS is the problem.

-- -primus (Train yourself and be your own master.) "First, solve the problem. Then, write the code." - John Johnson "Narrowness of experience leads to narrowness of imagination." - Rob Pike