Aircoookie / Espalexa

Alexa voice control for ESP8266/ESP32 (including brightness and color!)
MIT License
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Support for Google Assistant #77

Open halfajobj opened 4 years ago

halfajobj commented 4 years ago

Hi Aircookie

Hope you are well for Wled will there be support for Google assistant and micro or circuit python. Also would you be able to add in modes for voice activation like in the video link attached. Would be nice if you could create your own modes.

Aircoookie commented 4 years ago


I would love to offer out of the box Google Assistant support, but I can't, since Google doesn't offer a local API. I'd need public servers and a complicated infrastructure. You can add Assistant support via IFTTT yourself though! See this on how to do it.

A Circuit python port of the project is also not very feasible (especially on 8266, ESP32 could work), since it is a interpreter language there is a significant overhead involved. Even with using native C++ code, we are near the point of resource exhaustion. Furthermore, I am using a number of libraries which are not available for CP, needless to say the entire codebase would need to be re-written!

halfajobj commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

If i connect it via iftt i should be able to use google assistant. Is that correct.

However i am not sure if this could help solve google local api issue.


Ref Local Home Sdk Show quoted text

Aircoookie commented 4 years ago

That is correct, Google Home is supported via IFTTT.

Thanks for making me aware, seems like Google is working on a local API, which would allow me to support the Assistant natively soon!

amanjn16 commented 2 years ago

Hello Aircookie Is there a possibility of espalexa like library for google home. I am a hobbyist working on home automation and is not able to expand my project because of this limitation of google home. While alwxa can suppport numerous devices locally, not able to do the same using google home.

Aircoookie commented 2 years ago

Google Home still does not offer a local API without cloud dependance, sorry.