Aircoookie / WLED-WebInstaller

WLED web installer using the Web Serial API, powered by ESP Web Tools (flashing + Improv)
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[WEB installer] support for Lolin s2 mini #20

Open marcobrianza opened 4 months ago

marcobrianza commented 4 months ago

I cannot flash wled to a wemos S2 mini with the web installer (esp8266 and esp32 are ok) I have also tried the alternative bootloader without success. I have been holding the board in bootloader mode pressing the boot button during reset.

I have also tried flashing the firmware with esptool without success for the esp32 s2 model, the only instructions I could find apply to the esp32 (non s2).

The only way I could load the firmware is with this convoluted procedure

Anyway having flashed with this method I cannot upgrade wled from the web interface as would normally do because the update fails. (so I would need to use the tasmota trick again)

best regards Marco

blazoncek commented 4 months ago

I have 2 Lolin Wemos S2 mini in regular use now (and several test units), updated regularly via OTA and never encountered an issue.

Truth is I flashed them 1st using PlatformIO with regular environment for Lolin S2 mini.

marcobrianza commented 4 months ago

Truth is I flashed them 1st using PlatformIO with regular environment for Lolin S2 mini. I guess this is the difference that enables the upgrade from the web installer and does not work with a vanilla board.

Are you able to load the firmware with the web installer from a board forced in bootloader mode?

blazoncek commented 4 months ago

If that is the case (I am not familiar with web installer) use esptool or PlatformIO to upload binary. I did use both esptool and PlatformIO to successfully upload WLED firmware to ESP. You will need correct bootloader and partition map if using esptool. The easiest way is to use PlatformIO. Alternate bootloader on web installer was extracted from PlatformIO procedure.

As far as WLED goes, it is working correctly on Lolin S2 mini.

EDIT: Due to many notifications I missed the fact that this is installer repository. Sorry about that.

marcobrianza commented 4 months ago

That may be a web installer issue (open a new issue there). this is exactly where I have opened the issue

use esptool I don't find the instructions for ESP32-S2 (just ESP32)

The easiest way is to use PlatformIO I just had success in uploading from platform io, but I would not consider this as easy as the web installer for the majority of the users.

As far as WLED goes, it is working correctly on Lolin S2 mini. this is great!, I will test it in the next days

unfortunately it is just for the brave who use PlatformIO

blazoncek commented 4 months ago

Sorry about my mistake. I was not paying attention where the issue was opened (have too many notifications).

The instructions for esptool are the the same for all variants of ESP32. It is just files themselves that are different.

marcobrianza commented 4 months ago

is this bootloader also valid for esp32-s2 or is there another file?

blazoncek commented 4 months ago

No. S2 has its own bootloader. You may need to compile one for yourself as S2 (and other variants) may need specific bootloader depending on development board configuration. You can try the one from web installer. You will also need partition map, that one depends on flash memory configuration.

marcobrianza commented 4 months ago

thank you for the clarification, the process is getting so complicated that flashing from platformIO is simpler until the webinstaller is fixed

blazoncek commented 4 months ago


As of right now S2, S3 and C3 variants of ESP32 are still in experimental phase and not officially supported.

Garywoo commented 4 months ago

According to this poster, release 10.0.1 of ESP Web Tools has improved the compatibility of ESP32-S2, C3, S3. 

I've tested the Tasmota implementation (although I'm not sure which release this uses), and this works and flashes my Lolin S2 Mini board.

Currently WLED Web Installer is using release 9.3.0.

blazoncek commented 4 months ago

@Garywoo you are welcome to make a PR if you know how to fix the installer.

blazoncek commented 2 months ago

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