Aircoookie / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
MIT License
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With ArduinoOTA disabled ESP8266 reboots #1148

Closed SpicerSolutions closed 3 years ago

SpicerSolutions commented 3 years ago

After compiling the source and uploading wled to the esp8266 the board reset itself ( rst cause: 2, boot:(3,7) ).

I've disabled a number of features and set the LEDPIN to 5

build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp8266} -D LEDPIN=5

define WLED_DISABLE_OTA // saves 14kb

/ You need to choose some of these features to disable: //#define WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA // saves 11kb

define WLED_DISABLE_BLYNK // saves 6kb

define WLED_DISABLE_CRONIXIE // saves 3kb

define WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC // saves 4kb

define WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED // there is no pin left for this on ESP8266-01, saves 12kb


define WLED_ENABLE_MQTT // saves 12kb


define WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT // saves 500b only

Compile the source with the above settings

WLED version

It is a great project and really useful.

Any advice would be great thanks in advance.


Aircoookie commented 3 years ago

Hi, first of all, I'm very sorry for the extremely late response, got a bit overwhelmed recently :)

I believe this could be an issue I've fixed immediately after the 0.10.2 release. If you are still looking for a solution, you can either give the latest master source a try or compile 0.10.2 with #define WLED_DISABLE_OTA commented out. Hope it will resolve the bootloops!

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hey! This issue has been open for quite some time without any new comments now. It will be closed automatically in a week if no further activity occurs. Thank you for using WLED!