Aircoookie / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
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WLED Sync - mirror effect #1475

Closed Offpiste84 closed 2 years ago

Offpiste84 commented 3 years ago

Add mirror effect to Sync WLED devices (UDP Notifier).

Aircoookie commented 3 years ago

Good idea to sync this - along with grouping and spacing maybe.

tkerby commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking sync could do with a few updates. I'd like to be able to choose which other instances I sync with and I'd also like to be able to select clone or extend as an option. Clone copies the effect onto the other instance exactly. Extend should create virtual LEDs on the end of the string - e.g. if you wanted to wrap a building you may need additional ESP8266 boards but you want the effect to jump the gaps

huggy-d1 commented 3 years ago

Ahh a WLED cluster! What a concept!

costyn commented 3 years ago

This is also a feature I would love. Multiple controllers and have the effect wrap/jump from controller to controller.

huggy-d1 commented 3 years ago

@costyn That is available if external software like xLights is used. Then it can address all controllers and control at the pixel level across all pixels.

That said, I am a fan of having WLED's UDP sync get new features. Only problem is they would need to get incorporated into the json API, http api, mqtt api, documentation, UI, and so on.

Like when sync, perhaps they could call it a "join", and WLED act just like a pixel in an addressable LED strip, see the command, act on it if the command is for that WLED strip, and then to pass commands on to the next strip as needed.

It sounds quite challenging until someone can gracefully state a low-processing-overhead low-communication bandwidth protocol that would work. These I.T. / C.S. people, they like challenges though.

costyn commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll check out xLights. That said, the low level networking already exists for ESP32, like for example Espressifs Mesh and there's also painlessMesh

I have made a successful integration of painlessMesh with FastLED. The patterns are exactly matched, it's pretty cool. But the hard part is spanning 1 pattern over multiple mesh nodes. I was hoping someone else was maybe already working on it :)

blark commented 2 years ago

+1 for extra sync options such as mirror and effect wrap/coordination. I have about 6 strips on the soffits of my home that it is impractical to run with the same controller. Effects such as scanning seamlessly transitioning between WLED would be awesome.

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

You can use virtual strips since 0.13-b4.

blark commented 2 years ago

@blazoncek very cool thanks, I'm running b5 I will check it out tonight to see if I can figure that out.

blark commented 2 years ago

@blazoncek just to confirm, you're talking about DDP network output here right? I have been googling around and can't find much in the way of a tutorial, but it seems like this relies on xLights? Is that correct? Or is there a way to do this all in the WLED firmware itself that I am missing?


I found it! For anyone else that is looking you need to go to LED Preferences and add a strip of the type "DDP RGB (network)" and then enter the other WLED's IP address and length. Works great so far!

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Working on a fix for OP.

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Fix available for testing in my fork, sync-seg branch.