Aircoookie / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
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Different Eyes Effect #2237

Open NorNoga4dm1n opened 3 years ago

NorNoga4dm1n commented 3 years ago

coming up on the Halloween time, I thought I would start looking into some effects to run for the holiday and came acrost the Halloween Eyes effect. I like it, however, one set of eyes is too limited for my liking and made me think of an improved version...

color1 define eye color color2 defines backround color color3 is unused palette override eye colors (AKA multi eye colors) speed slider fade rate intensity slider delay before spawning new eyes

effect starts by drawing the background color on all squares then "fades" all squares to background color after random timer spawn eye, voiding spawn if overlap

in other words, im looking for more eyes that fade slowly

huggy-d1 commented 3 years ago

With that effect definition, you should be able to create a new effect and integrate to WLED in no time, submit a pull request to have it integrated into the master version of WLED so everyone can use it.

Looking forward with excitement whatever you come up with.

NorNogaAdmin commented 3 years ago

my understanding of c++ is less then desirable, while i can somewhat follow the code, i have never written in it or compiled it. i might be able to cobble something together, but it would not be very effencent