Aircoookie / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
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Enable streaming from Web UI #4047

Closed damiencorpataux closed 2 weeks ago

damiencorpataux commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like to be able to stream my screen (or other source) via the WLED Web UI.

Describe the solution you'd like Using browsers API to read a video source via Javascript and stream it using DDP to a WLED instance via WebAssembly. This would be such a wow ! Would it be possible ?

Describe alternatives you've considered For now I am using wledcast and it works pretty well, although more setup and knowledgeis required.

Additional context I'm proficient in Javascript, an admirer of WebAssembly and would like to contribute but I need pointers for where to start. Also, #4046 may be related as people could easily stream on a heterogeneous LEDs setup 👯

Thank you for making WLED ❤️

blazoncek commented 2 weeks ago

I do not understand "Enable streaming from Web UI". Web UI is intended to control WLED parameters. If you want to stream LED data to WLED you have the option of: DDP, E1.31, ArtNet and raw RGB (via UDP). As for streaming applications: Jinx, xLights, LedFx, Hyperion, etc.

Please use WLED forum or Discord for help and support questions.