Aircoookie / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
MIT License
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Firmware presets and playlist #4288

Open viktor6 opened 6 days ago

viktor6 commented 6 days ago

How can I build a firmware with presets and a playlist? Why can't I put the wled_presets.json file next to platformio.ini?

{ "0": {}, "1": { "on": true, "bri": 125, "transition": 7, "mainseg": 0, "seg": [{ "id": 0, "start": 0, "stop": 100, "grp": 1, "spc": 0, "of": 0, "on": true, "frz": false, "bri": 255, "cct": 127, "set": 0, "col": [[255, 160, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], "fx": "r", "sx": 128, "ix": 128, "pal": 0, "c1": 128, "c2": 128, "c3": 16, "sel": true, "rev": false, "mi": false, "o1": false, "o2": false, "o3": false, "si": 0, "m12": 1 } ], "n": "AllRandomPreset" }, "2": { "playlist": { "ps": [1], "dur": [300], "transition": [30], "repeat": 0, "end": 0, "r": 0 }, "on": true, "n": "AllRandomPlaylist" } }