Closed atuline closed 4 years ago
This can be remediated (at least somewhat), by reducing the polling frequency.
Hi atuline,
"normaly" one loop takes too long if there are WiFi disconnects - you could enable debug-output to Serial Monitor with "#define WLED_DEBUG" (or -D WLED_DEBUG" in platformio.ini) and check what's displayed as Loop/s.
When WLED is idle this is around 4000 and it should better not drop below three digits.
By the way: I love your FastLED-Demos repo! Some of them have been used in WLED, too 😄
Thanks, I'll have a look at that. In the meantime, I've now converted my 40 or so displays to WLED and am hosting a lantern making workshop in Vancouver, and each attendee will receive a WLED programmed WeMOS D1 Mini. Am excited to use WLED.
I've noticed the same problem when I created a usermod that uses a potentiometer as a brightness dimmer. When using analogRead too frequently, it's not possible to connect to the wifi AP.
At 250Hz polling wifi fails. At 10Hz polling wifi succeeds.
// wled00/usermod_potentiobrightness.h
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
class PontentioBrightness : public Usermod {
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
unsigned long voltage;
unsigned long lastVoltage = 0;
const int analogInPin = A0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime - lastTime > 100) { // 100ms = 10Hz
lastTime = currentTime;
voltage = analogRead(analogInPin);
if (abs(voltage - lastVoltage) > 4) { // Noise should not trigger a change
lastVoltage = voltage;
int newBrightness = int(voltage / (1023.0 / 255.0));
bri = newBrightness;
On a WeMOS D1 Mini, I added the following single line to wled06_usermod.ino, recompiled (0.9.0-b2) and the AP mode WLEDAP network disappeared:
int micIn = analogRead(A0);
When I remove that line and re-compile, it re-appears.
Even tried disabling things like OTA, ALEXA, BLYNK, CRONIXIE, HUESYNC and INFRARED.