AirenSoft / OvenMediaEngine

OvenMediaEngine (OME) is a Sub-Second Latency Live Streaming Server with Large-Scale and High-Definition. #WebRTC #LLHLS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can't get stream to work in OvenPlayer locally #1012

Closed JahzyB closed 1 year ago

JahzyB commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to stream locally from OME to OvenPlayer and I can't get it to work. I'm pretty lost and am just trying different things. If I set the file to file: 'wss://' in the config for OvenPlayer and try to play I get this error: [2023-02-02 19:12:56.699] E [SPRtcSig-T3333:10] HttpServer | http_transaction.cpp:163 | Invalid parse status: 400. If I try file: 'wss://' in the player config I get [2023-02-02 19:13:21.455] E [SPRtcSig-T3334:12] OpenSSL | tls.cpp:193 | An error occurred while accept SSL connection: [OpenSSL] error:0A000412:SSL routines::sslv3 alert bad certificate (167773202).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Server version="8">
    <!-- Host type (origin/edge) -->
    <!-- Specify IP address to bind (* means all IPs) -->

    To get the public IP address(mapped address of stun) of the local server. 
    This is useful when OME cannot obtain a public IP from an interface, such as AWS or docker environment. 
    If this is successful, you can use ${PublicIP} in your settings.

        Currently OME only supports h2 like all browsers do. Therefore, HTTP/2 only works on TLS ports.         


        <!-- P2P works only in WebRTC and is experiment feature -->
            <!-- disabled by default -->

<!-- Settings for the ports to bind -->
    <!-- Enable this configuration if you want to use API Server -->

        <!-- Pull providers -->
        <!-- Push providers -->
                Listen on port 4000~4005 (<Port>4000-4004,4005/udp</Port>)
                This is just a demonstration to show that you can configure the port in several ways

                    If you want to stream WebRTC over TCP, specify IP:Port for TURN server.
                    This uses the TURN protocol, which delivers the stream from the built-in TURN server to the player's TURN client over TCP. 
                    For detailed information, refer
                <!-- TcpForce is an option to force the use of TCP rather than UDP in WebRTC streaming. (You can omit ?transport=tcp accordingly.) If <TcpRelay> is not set, playback may fail. -->

            OME only supports h2, so LLHLS works over HTTP/1.1 on non-TLS ports. 
            LLHLS works with higher performance over HTTP/2, 
            so it is recommended to use a TLS port.
            <!-- If you want to use TLS, specify the TLS port -->
                    If you want to stream WebRTC over TCP, specify IP:Port for TURN server.
                    This uses the TURN protocol, which delivers the stream from the built-in TURN server to the player's TURN client over TCP. 
                    For detailed information, refer
                <!-- TcpForce is an option to force the use of TCP rather than UDP in WebRTC streaming. (You can omit ?transport=tcp accordingly.) If <TcpRelay> is not set, playback may fail. -->

        Enable this configuration if you want to use API Server

        <AccessToken> is a token for authentication, and when you invoke the API, you must put "Basic base64encode(<AccessToken>)" in the "Authorization" header of HTTP request.
        For example, if you set <AccessToken> to "ome-access-token", you must set "Basic b21lLWFjY2Vzcy10b2tlbg==" in the "Authorization" header.


        <!-- You can use wildcard like this to include multiple XMLs -->
        <VirtualHost include="VHost*.xml" />
            <!--Distribution is a value that can be used when grouping the same vhost distributed across multiple servers. This value is output to the events log, so you can use it to aggregate statistics. -->

            <!-- Settings for multi ip/domain and TLS -->
                    <!-- Host names






            <!-- <Origins>
            </Origins> -->

            <!-- Settings for applications -->
                    <!-- Application type (live/vod) -->
                        <!-- Enable this configuration if you want to hardware acceleration using GPU -->
                        <OVT />
                        <WebRTC />
                        <RTMP />
                        <SRT />
                                    Set the stream name of the client connected to the port to "stream_${Port}"
                                    For example, if a client connets to port 4000, OME creates a "stream_4000" stream
                        <RTSPPull />
                        <OVT />
getroot commented 1 year ago

Try ws:// not wss://

JahzyB commented 1 year ago

When I try that I just get "Can not play due to unknown reasons" and nothing at all in the logs.

getroot commented 1 year ago

upload your entire log file /var/log/ovenmediaengine/ovenmediaengine.log

JahzyB commented 1 year ago


getroot commented 1 year ago
JahzyB commented 1 year ago
docker run
  -e TZ="America/New_York"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="host"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="ovenmediaengine"
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=',height=40,fit=contain,dpr=1,format=auto/'
  -p '1935:1935/tcp'
  -p '3333:3333/tcp'
  -p '3334:3334/tcp'
  -p '3478:3478/tcp'
  -p '9000:9000/tcp'
  -p '9999:9999/udp'
  -p '4000:4000/udp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/ovenmediaengine/origin_conf':'/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/origin_conf':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/ovenmediaengine/edge_conf':'/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/edge_conf':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/ovenmediaengine/logs':'/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/logs':'rw' 'airensoft/ovenmediaengine'
JahzyB commented 1 year ago

I think I may be doing something dumb with my nginx config. I have 443 in my nginx docker container mapped to 444 on the host and 80 in the container to 83 on the host. Then I've got this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <!-- OvenPlayer will be initialized inside this element. -->
    <div id="player_id"></div>

    <!-- Load OvenPlayer via CDN -->
    <script src=""></script>


        // Initialize OvenPlayer
        const player = OvenPlayer.create('player_id', {
            sources: [
                    label: 'label_for_webrtc',
                    // Set the type to 'webrtc'
                    type: 'webrtc',
                    // Set the file to WebRTC Signaling URL with OvenMediaEngine 
                    file: 'ws://'


set up in my /config/www in the nginx container. In the nginx config I've got traffic redirect to https set up so I assumed that if I go to the host's IP:444 I should get the stream. When I go there I see OvenPlayer with "Can not play due to unknown reasons" and have got nothing showing in the logs.

Now if I change file: 'ws://' to file: 'wss://' or file: 'wss://' then I do see something in the logs. I get what I posted up above:

file: 'wss://' - [2023-02-02 19:12:56.699] E [SPRtcSig-T3333:10] HttpServer | http_transaction.cpp:163  | Invalid parse status: 400

file: 'wss://' - [2023-02-02 19:13:21.455] E [SPRtcSig-T3334:12] OpenSSL | tls.cpp:193  | An error occurred while accept SSL connection: [OpenSSL] error:0A000412:SSL routines::sslv3 alert bad certificate (167773202)

The end state I'm looking for here is for me to be able to stream from OBS on my PC to the server I have set up on a separate host locally and then be able to access the stream externally by going to my public domain.

getroot commented 1 year ago

You should use a URL like this: ws:// or wss://domain:3334/app/stream (domain must be associated with certificate)

I don't understand your nginx related explanation.

Does the problem reproduce on If playback works fine on, try the following.

Try replacing <Bind><Publishers><WebRTC><IceCandidates><TcpRelay>*:3478 to <Bind><Publishers><WebRTC><IceCandidates><TcpRelay> in the Server.xml.

JahzyB commented 1 year ago

Now I'm actually seeing a connection in the logs being formed when I go to I'm not actually seeing anything playing in the player, though. In the Firefox console I see WebRTC: ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details.. When I go there it looks like it tried to connect to one of the ICE ports 10000-10005 and it failed. I'm seeing "IcePort is disconnected" in the logs.

I see when I start the server that it does resolve the public IP address from the STUN server so I'm not sure what the issue is now. I checked in Edge and Chrome and it's just a black screen as well but in those browsers it shows the red circle and "Sub-Second Latency Streaming" by the play button. When I stop streaming from OBS the log does show in the statistics that bytes were sent out. I'm just seeing a black screen, though.

Current config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server version="8">
                        <OVT />
                        <WebRTC />
                        <RTMP />
                        <SRT />
                        <MPEGTS />
                        <RTSPPull />
                        <OVT />
getroot commented 1 year ago
  1. Add -p 10000-10005:10000-10005/udp parameter when running docker, or
  2. Try playing with ws://ip:port/app/stream?transport=tcp or
  3. Set <Publishers><WebRTC><IceCandidates><TcpForce> to true.
JahzyB commented 1 year ago
  1. Add -p 10000-10005:10000-10005/udp parameter when running docker, or

That did it! Finally got it working. Thanks for all your help.

Actually it worked for just a little bit and now it's back to just showing a black screen with a play button. I didn't change anything outside of your recommendation and it stopped working after a couple of viewers went to the stream. Anything that could make it suddenly just black screen like that after working properly?

getroot commented 1 year ago

Try with WebRTC/tcp as well. You can choose either 2 or 3. You should upload a log file after such a problem occurs so we can further analyze your problem. Problems like yours have never been reported other than network issues.

JahzyB commented 1 year ago

I attached logs from around when it happened. I just tried the tcpforce option and it didn't resolve the issue.

getroot commented 1 year ago

This is obviously the player not being able to connect to your server or Check the firewall or network side. Can external players access your

JahzyB commented 1 year ago

Okay, I just messed up some settings in my firewall. Thanks for all your help! Could you possibly delete your screenshot above since it contains my domain that I had not intended on publicizing at this time? I appreciate it!