Closed Thunder80 closed 1 year ago
Isn't your control server responding a 404? I guess you need to check your control server's logs to find out why it responds with a 404. Is there something OME is doing wrong with the request?
The control server responds with 404 only in OME logs. With the same URL mentioned in the OME logs if you do a cURL request the control server responds correctly. So I am not sure what OME is doing with the request.
To analyze this problem, I think the only way I can test it with your control server url. If you can provide a URL, please send it to
Thanks, I have sent the details. Please let me know if something else is needed.
Your server actually responds with a 404 error.
200OK is returned when the HTTP Request Header is transmitted as follows.
Host: your-domain
However, it responds with 404 Not Found when passed as:
Host: your-domain:443
Appending :Port
to the value of the Host header is not out of specification. Try debugging this part.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I will investigate how to get it working.
Admission Webhooks return 404 but the endpoint works with other tools like Postman and cURL.
Should allow the stream to be published or subscribed.
OME - v0.14.18 docker image and dev image.
Encoder information -OBS latest.
URL - rtmp://:1935/app/?policy=eyJ1cmxfZXhwaXJlIjoxODkzNDU2MDAwMDAwfQ&signature=ismtaRL4QdLSa_s-kIlTDHV2YkI
Operating system and version - Ubuntu 20.4
SETUP INFORMATION AND LOGS I am providing the ovenmediaengine.log and Server.xml here
Admission webhooks have worked for me in the past. But this time I am trying with AWS AppRunner and I am using a CNAME record to point the AWS URL to my custom domain, maybe that's causing issues?
Working curl request: