Airi85 / OsuMultiTool

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Latest Stable issue #22

Open AnkokuSamael opened 8 years ago

AnkokuSamael commented 8 years ago

does this tool abandoned? if it isn't then please make this tool to be compatible with the latest stable version, since osu! starts to try to move their players to the latest stable version and this tool isn't working in this version.. I haven't tried the "latest updates" of fallback version though

vacekj commented 8 years ago

I think he has abandoned the tool, what do you mean with the fallback ?

AnkokuSamael commented 8 years ago

I mean that I haven't tried it in the Stable (fallback) release stream which is used to be working, so idk if it still works in that release or not since this tool isn't working in the Stable (latest) release stream

I've switched my client release stream to use the Stable (fallback) release now and the tool is still working. If he hasn't abandoned this tool then I hope he would update it soon to be compatible with the Stable (latest) release.

vacekj commented 8 years ago

Oh, okay, I tried the fallback and it works for me too. I'll try to contact him and persuade him into updating it or maybe teaching me how to do it

Airi85 commented 8 years ago

was abandoned, now im more motivated, too much time without coding i need to code something xD, but im more busy now then i was before so releases will be slow

vacekj commented 8 years ago

It's great to have you back! I used your tool ever since the beginning and it really helped me gain some ranks :) Looking forward to new features :)

Airi85 commented 8 years ago

wow you really used the 0.1 version? its was horrible xD

btw i'll update its progress on my blog:

AnkokuSamael commented 8 years ago

yeay.. glad to have you back! I'm looking forward for another fixes and features

Kontorted commented 7 years ago

The project is on-going, however releases are quite slow. Fallback stream is as of now supported. Latest is not.